John Dory, Nettle, Rhonda and an Uninvited Guest

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Traveling with John Dory and Rhonda for the last few days had been a lot of fun, Nettle didn’t think it would be possible to have someone to travel with and for it to go this well. She still preferred to sleep outside inside her tent every night but now she had the chance to see John Dory every day, from morning to night time, every morning when they both woke up the first thing he would do was greet her and then offer some breakfast. They had been mainly eating the muffins they had prepared as the first meal of the day or as a treat for any other moment, she had to admit it but the muffins had come out really good.

After having breakfast they would both go out and explore the new territory they were currently in, they would use the time to gather whatever useful item they found. Sometimes it could be food and others it was some materials that they could use for any accidents that they could find themselves in, they mostly went as quietly as possible to be able to see what kind of wildlife resided in the area and see how dangerous it could be for both trolls.

They mostly wanted to check how safe the place was to stay for a few days but both of them seemed to agree that they wouldn’t be picking a temporary stop for a good while, they had spent too much time on that forest and they didn’t want to get settled in another stop after such a short time on their journey. If they stopped at a place it was either to stay the night or spend one day exploring the new territory they had found, Nettle loved the new routine that she had developed with John. She felt happier than she ever had whenever she journeyed by herself.

Whenever they were out they would be walking side by side, John’s body closer to what Nettle had ever allowed anyone else to be to her’s as both of their shoulders were almost brushing. John Dory would then try to start a conversation, fumbling and stumbling over his words as a flush of embarrassment appeared on his face and he tried to fix his mess of a conversation. He would always think it went bad but Nettle would prove him wrong as she giggled and kept the conversation going by answering the question or continuing with what he was saying, and then he would give her that genuine adorable smile that he reserved for when he was truly happy.

It made her smile as well and the excitement of getting to a new place was the same as when she had started her journey when she was younger, he made everything feel like a new experience even if it was just the same-old routine she had been doing for a long time. Even the quiet moments like the one she was currently in were enjoyable, with John Dory driving Rhonda while Nettle sat down on the sofa and read one of her books. The rumbling of the armadillo bus as they traveled made a good ambience.

They had been traveling for a few hours and had already found themselves in a new area, noticeable by the change of scenery, the foliage changing to darker colors as they started to reach deeper into the land. The change was becoming more and more clear and Nettle closed her book and left it on the sofa to get a closer look at their new surroundings, she walked up to the driver’s seat and took a good look at the path they were traveling in. They were going really deep inside the new path that they had found themselves in.

“I think we should move on in a different direction” Nettle suggested “I got a bad feeling about this place”

“We’re just passing through” John assured her “We got enough time to get past this place before nighttime”

“Something tells me this place is much bigger than what you actually think” Nettle narrowed her eyes, watching as the area kept getting darker and darker “I’m pretty sure this place has more predators than what we are used to encounter on a daily basis” she explained “Which I would like to keep our ‘days without getting attacked by a predator’ going up instead of down to 0”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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