"Like the cat caught his fish food," Cat Noir said.

"Yeah. Sorry you had to do it" Ladybug said.

"I had no choice but to put him out of his misery, Milady" Cat Noir held her hand.

Just then, the fury hatred got to him as he thought of Lila, Chloe, Felix, and his father for putting him through too much. He growled angrily to the point he felt too much hatred that he wanted to cataclysm anything.

"CATACLYSM!!!" He punches the Shark King's corpse to ashes.

"Oh no," Ladybug knows that the fury influenced him, "I have to calm him down with love! It conquers hate" She knew what she had to do.

She grabbed Cat Noir and kissed him hard on the lips. The feline did not expect that but he felt the love rush through him rather than wanting to hate on someone. He relaxes and gives in to the kiss.

"There kitty kitty, I'm here," Ladybug said after kissing him.

"Goddamn it. I never let my hatred get the best of me like that" Cat Noir said.

"That's why our love is there to conquer it" Ladybug replied.

"Thanks for saving my nine lives. Right now these mutated sharks are still breathing on land" Cat Noir said.

"Yes, but the hate fury?" Ladybug pointed out.

"I trust you. You still have the Pandora's box?" Cat Noir asked.

"Yes," Ladybug takes it out and sucks the hate fury in before it could attack.

"Let's help the team" Cat Noir split his staff into batons.

"And fast before that crazy psycho bitch senses a lot of anger around here. She's very good at staying out of trouble" Ladybug spins her yo-yo.

"She doesn't know where we are!" Cat Noir ran.

"Remember what the jaguar and elephant taught us," Ladybug said.

"Yeah, never give in to our fears," Cat Noir said.

"Aware of the shadows moving" Ladybug summons her lucky charm spear.

"Oh yes," Cat Noir rushes to aid the team.

"Shelter!" Carapace shields himself and Rena Rouge from humanoid sharks.

"Uproar!" King Monkey summons a plushie to disrupt the shark's senses.

"Hrrrgh?!" One shark man got confused.

"You're up, goat!" Rooster Bold tells his boyfriend to come up with a Genesis weapon.

"Genesis!" Caprikid draws a giant music stereo with his paintbrush staff.

"Perfect!" Rooster Bold smirked.

"Crow like the rooster you are in the morning!" Caprikid smirked.

"Oh, you got it!" Rooster Gold said and made his move.

"Sublimation!" He uses his feather pen to write down on his hand for any superpower.

He chooses speed to carry the furniture-sized stereo to run around with music blaring to cause the sharks to get confused.

"INCOMING!!!" Minotaurox charged at the sharks using his Thor-like mallet to bash them all at once, "Booyah! That's what I call a strike!" He cried out in joy.

"Multitude!" Polymouse multiplied into 15 clones of herself. They all spread out to attack the shark men.

"Chico, water squirt! Like a trunk water gun!" Panthera said.

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