Chapter 6

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Thankfully, Andrew bounced back from being ill quickly. In fact, he was doing really well keeping on top of all his work. Which meant he could spend most evenings cuddled up with Jason on the couch. He wouldn't ever admit it aloud, but he looked forward to that.

He assured himself that it wasn't because he was going gay. Not that there was anything wrong with that. But, after all, he kept having the most incredible orgasms while fantasizing about a large breasted woman giving him a blow job. He took to sitting down in the tub to masturbate because he kept nearly falling in the shower. Why he didn't just do it on his bed, he didn't know, but why mess with something that was working for him?

And if he liked to, after drying off and putting on pajamas, go sit on the couch with Jason, that didn't mean anything. They were, after all, only sitting there, reading or watching Netflix. If Jason put an arm around him or he put his head in Jason's lap or even if Andrew was lying against Jason like he was part of the furniture and Jason put his arms around him, it didn't mean anything.

On Friday night, while eating dinner, they decided to watch a movie neither of them had seen yet. Jason went to get his laptop and set it up on the coffee table while Andrew washed the dishes. As Jason had cooked, it was only fair.

Jason had been cooking for them all week. He said he liked to do it and, as he was good at it, Andrew had no complaints. Pausing to cover his mouth, he waited for a burp that didn't come. Very good at it and, without question or comment, Jason made enough for a family of four to ensure Andrew could eat as much as he wanted. Sometimes there were leftovers but usually not.

Unsurprisingly, all that food plumped his belly. He was, maybe, wider and rounder. Fuller, maybe, was the better word to describe him. The spherical, gel-like objects were harder to distinguish, like they were embraced with more padding.

As Jason never reacted like anything about Andrew's shape or appetite were weird, Andrew didn't hide it. He still occasionally felt self-conscious, of course, but nobody else reacted, either. Not that he was stuffing his face in public, but his belly drew no apparent notice. Not even Brianna, who was quick and harsh with criticism, including telling him that she wanted to pluck the streak of green out of his hair like a weed, had even cast a sideways glance at it.

His belly brushed against the counter as he resumed washing the plates. Some of the warm water splashed on the edge of the sink and soaked into his t-shirt, but he didn't notice it until he moved away and it started to cool. He plucked the cloth away from his skin and rubbed the cold spot beneath.

Once all the dishes were in the drying rack, Andrew headed over to join Jason on the couch. Holding his belly as he turned to ease onto the couch, he was thankful when he felt Jason's hands support him on the way down. He released an involuntary groan as he exhaled and pulled his legs up onto the couch. Relief to his back and hips from the increased weight and overfilled flesh.

His hand went to his mouth again as the contents of his belly settled. He swallowed back the renewed taste of Boston cream pie, which they'd had for dessert. Andrew had eaten the whole pie, except for Jason's piece, on top of three helpings of baked ziti, a salad, and, of course, the entire pitcher of iced tea. For some reason, he was never sated until uncomfortably full. Like his body had decided feeling pressure on the floor of his pelvis and the pinch of his belly trying to spill over the top of his hips rather than the stretch of his stomach meant he had eaten enough.

Jason's hand found the wet spot on his shirt and pulled the fabric up, folding it on itself so the wet no longer touched his skin. Rubbing his hand over Andrew's bare belly, then, he brushed his other hand over the top of Andrew's head, rustling his hair.

"You okay?" Jason asked tenderly.

With the guidance of his hand, Andrew laid his head in the corner made by Jason's shoulder and the back cushion. Pushing his own hand down, Andrew peeled the waistband of his athletic pants off the bulge of his belly. Then he nodded, releasing a sound somewhere between a grunt and a sigh, and closed his eyes.

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