Chapter 4

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With a groan, Andrew realized he was climbing toward consciousness. He didn't want to. He felt weak and sluggish, especially his mind. But, gradually, he realized Jason was moving nearby.

"Hey." The mattress sank as his roommate sat on the edge. A hand touched his face. "Are you alive?" Jason asked in jocular fashion but was obviously worried.

"Maybe," Andrew uttered dryly. "What...?"

"You didn't wake up to your alarm," Jason told him. "I didn't try to wake you, 'cause I figured you needed it, but it's like 4:00 now. I just got back from class."

Blinking, Andrew pushed himself up enough to look over at the clock and confirm. Jason's hands were on him, helping. The red display showed 4:12PM. He repositioned his arm to support himself, but really wanted to sink back down into unconsciousness.

He remembered feeling utterly exhausted when he got home yesterday. He remembered stripping off to get in the shower. He remembered getting in the shower. And then it was kind of a blur. A blur that included throwing up and feeling really cold and clammy.

He rubbed his face; he was still a little clammy. And his belly still felt uncomfortable: bloated and seeping a chill into the rest of his body. For some reason, he had the image of having huge lumps of gel - like the kind in ice packs - pumped into him through his belly button. His fingers found his navel just to make sure it was closed.

"Do you want anything? Like water or, I don't know," Jason asked tentatively.

Andrew nodding slightly, "Yeah, water. Thanks."

Jason gave a nod and then got up.

The movement of the bed made his belly jiggle slightly. It was worse when he moved himself, pushing up and shifting slowly to put his back against the wall. His pajama pants were low on his hips and he had to lift his butt to keep from losing them. He released a groan as his belly sloshed with the jerky movement.

Sluggishly, he pulled his blankets to try to keep in his body heat with one hand while the other held his belly. It seemed to help prevent the nauseating jiggle.

When he returned, Jason handed out the glass and Andrew took it. Jason hesitated as it looked for a moment like it might slip right out of Andrew's hand, but then Andrew pulled the other out of the blankets.

Slowly, he sipped the water. At least it addressed his dry mouth, even if it compounded the creeping cold in his gut. He realized Jason was still standing there and looked up at him. His friend looked worried and didn't even try to hide it when he was caught.

"I'll live," Andrew assured him with an attempted smile. "But you'll probably catch it if you keep hanging around."

"Yeah," Jason agreed but didn't move. He didn't move until Andrew finished the water: he reached out to take the glass. Then he left.

Andrew closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall, waiting to see if the water settled in his stomach all right. He pulled his right hand back into the blankets to rub his belly. He could almost swear he felt lumps, but they retreated every time he tried to be sure.

He opened his eyes as he heard Jason moving in the room. His desk chair was being wheeled toward the bed, bearing Jason's open laptop. His friend hit a button and then left again. Netflix took a moment to load and then an episode of Family Guy started. Andrew smiled.

A moment later, Jason returned with a refilled glass of water and put it on the nightstand. "Thanks." Andrew glanced at him with weak but grateful smile.

"Yeah," Jason uttered as he moved behind the chair. Andrew expected him to leave and returned his attention to Family Guy, but then felt the bed move. Jason pushed the blanket to make sure he wouldn't accidently pull it away from Andrew and then sat beside him, likewise resting his back against the wall.

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