Chapter 2

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What in hell possessed him? He knew he was supposed to wear gloves. He had them in his pocket. Why didn't he put them on?

Andrew made a frustrated noise as he dried his hair. It was a terrible start to his senior project and he kept berating himself for it. He would see Dr. Harper tomorrow afternoon and could only hope she would be lenient.

Moving over to his dresser, he picked up his phone to double check the alarm for tomorrow morning. As he lowered it, he nearly dropped it. The demon was there. Completely naked. And so was he. Quickly, he pulled the towel down from his head to cover himself.

She looked amused and not in a pleasant way. Against the wall beside the open window, she leaned casually. Her arms were held crossed beneath her large breasts as though to support them. The dark, textured skin covered her hips and legs such that if they weren't clearly separate he might have thought it was some kind of mermaid tail. It obscured the area between her legs.

Although she gave the impression of waiting, she was not here when he undressed to take a shower. He was certain she was not standing there when he stepped out of the bathroom, either. Surely, he would have noticed her. But he hadn't remembered her at all. Until now. How strange.

"How - why are you here?" he demanded in a weaker tone than he might have liked.

Her smile turned cruel. Instead of answering, she moved toward him so quickly he nearly stumbled backwards into his desk chair. Taller than him, she was at least six foot two, maybe three, and when she moved it was clear that her body was highly muscled beneath that smooth sharkskin. Spade-like toes scraped the carpet with pops of breaking threads.

His breath caught in his throat as her hand seized beneath his jaw, claws threatening to pierce his skin. She pulled and he stumbled, losing his towel as he automatically threw out his hands. Landing on his bed, he had to duck to avoid smashing his head into the wall. The double bed pressed lengthwise against it in favor of more space.

Just as he was turning over, she pounced and he released a startled noise. The bed frame creaked and thwacked against the wall as she shoved him onto his back. She loomed above him, silver eyes glaring and sharp teeth partly bared. He was certain she was going to eat him.

He should call for help. Yell something. His roommate was home, on the other side of that wall. Yet, though his mouth opened, nothing came out but trembling breath.

One hand pressed his shoulder, pinning him and scratching his skin, the other dragged down his middle. He jerked with the idea of kicking her, but she pressed her knee above his genitals. The knob of bone was right at the base of his shaft. Frozen, he stared at her with wide-eyed panic. She grabbed his wrists then and pinned them to the bed at his sides.

Confusion intruded on alarm when she leaned down and licked his face. Her tongue was long and cool, brushing over his cheeks and jaw, picking up the moisture from his shower. Her large breasts brushed and rubbed as she moved, tilting her head to lick his ears and his neck. If he wasn't paralyzed, it might have tickled.

She smelled like rain. Like he was outside: fresh water and the sweet musk of a wet world. It was intoxicating.

Her knee moved from threatening his crotch and she eased to his side, circling her tongue over his chest. For a moment he stopped breathing and then had to gasp as she continued downward. Her tongue flicked across his vestigial musculature.

He used to be on the swim team. Not good enough to get a scholarship anywhere, but this was a D3 school and they were happy to have him. He had to quit junior year, though; his workload got too heavy. He was self-conscious about how quickly his physique started to soften. Though, if he had the time to work out as much as he used to, he could have stayed on the team.

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