Part 1

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TW: Mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence

Growing up in nearby Maroubra, Heidi Scott had found herself in a tough position.

She often wondered the streets alone despite knowing the dangers, as a young six-year-old out wandering alone in the late afternoon one day in 2007 because her parents were drunk again, she was discovered by none other than Koby Abberton.

Koby had been close friends with Heidi's parents back in the day, he had been there at the hospital during the birth of the little girl but after an argument between himself and Heidi's father, James, when she was two and a half he had walked away from the family and his own goddaughter.

He had seen the family of three walking around Maroubra time and time again and was even forced to spend time with the notorious James Scott because of their shared ties to the infamous Bra Boy gang. But he hadn't seen the little girl in a long time, but refused to swallow his pride and call up the house to check on her.

But he could never have guessed that him leaving would ultimately leave Heidi in a tough spot.

That night, Heidi had spotted her godfather from a mile away and recognised him immediately. Even though she hadn't seen him for going on four years at the time, Heidi had rushed up to him in a fit of tears begging to stay at his house.

Thankfully, it was Koby, his protégée Jesse and some of their fellow Bra Boys who had found her.

Koby later on got the full story out of young Heidi and made a pact with the little girl.

Ever since, Koby or his young protegee Jesse would arrive early in the morning to collect Heidi from her house, she would then tag along with the two of them for the day before she would be reluctantly returned home at a respectable hour. Even on a school day, Koby would pick her up from her house, take her to school and be there waiting when she got out to bring her to the beach.

She had always had a love for surfing and before the argument had ensued between Koby and James, Koby had often taken his goddaughter to the beach to surf in the shallows.

After Koby stopped being part of her life, Heidi would go down to the beach with her mother or an extended family member to surf.

It wasn't long before she formed a bond with the protégée, Jesse, he eventually came to see her as a little sister because of all the time she spent with him and the boys. When he grew up into his late teenage years if Koby was unable to spend the day with Heidi, Jesse would take it upon himself to make sure that she was out of the house.

Most of the time, they were out on the beach surfing.

And it wasn't just Jesse who came to see the girl as a little sister.

Many of the Bra Boys who hung around with Koby or Jesse found themselves in the same situation as Koby's protégée, and with Heidi's ties to the infamous tribe of surfers, it wasn't long before she was one herself.

When Jesse joined the Bondi lifeguards back in 2011, Heidi barely spent time with him. Instead, she would be out surfing the waves with the other boys, sometimes joined by Koby who was always the first to make sure she didn't get in trouble with the law.

Whilst the other Bra Boys might have had a knack for getting involved with the coppers, they always made sure that Heidi was well away from it all...

She had a good chance at a decent future and all of them would be damned if that was messed up.

It was a few days into Jesse's traineeship with the boys in blue that he mentioned Heidi to the boys and only a few weeks later that he brought Heidi along for the first time.

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