Chapter 46

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No one's POV

Harry slowly sat up in his bed as he rubbed his eyes.

He heard a tiny squeak when he had done that as he looked down to see Buster sporting the most adorable attempt to look angry.

"You were sleeping on my chest and was sent tumbling down weren't you?" Harry asked as Buster squeaked again.

Harry picked up the bunny as he got out of bed recalling the events of the previous night.

He had just taken the first step in taking over Voldemort's followers but he was not done yet as he had to fortify his own connections while he was still young.

Hogwarts was housed to many of those who had pure-blooded families but he did have one particular target in mind.

The Parkinson family, the Nott family as well as even the Greengrass Family were all good and noble but Harry set his sights much higher than those families besides...he already had Daphne in the palm of his hand as she is the eldest of the Greengrass family.

'Though, I did learn she has a younger sister whose loyalty and trust I'm sure I could win.' Harry thought as he gently stroked Buster who nuzzled into him.

He then thought back to his target, a Hufflepuff girl named Susan Bones, nice of Amelia Bones who was a prominent figure in the Ministry.

Given that Buda and Adam were of Hufflepuff that meant he now had a connection to their house.

Winning favor with her niece would mean he had a way in and if there was anything he learnt from Sirius, it was how to charm women, a skill he kept firmly out of his mother and sisters attention.

And there was still the threat that had dared set foot on his hunting ground, another problem he would squash

"Oh well, it is time to get to work I suppose." Harry muttered as he chuckled darkly.


Nikola Tesla, the smartest member of Ravenclaw to exist after Rowena Ravenclaw, the houses founder was also considered a pariah.

The reason for this was his complete hatred and distain for magic itself.

He was a firm believer that magic did not exist and all of it was in actuality the cause of science though most just considered him to be spouting and he is quoting "Muggle nonsense".

Nikola knew better that science was not the craft of muggles only but also the craft of so called wizards as science is taken into account when creating potions, performing alchemy as well as enchanting.

Similar to how wizards combine ingredients in order to create potions that all perform various things, it is similar as how a scientist mixes chemicals in order to create "potions" of their own.

It was science that brought the advancement of humanity not magic, evolution was the key.

No one dared to argue with Nikola as they simply could not because they could make no counters so they simply chose to outcast him.

That being said, Nikola had support in his endeavours, those being Jessie, Gondul, Hermione and even his head of house Professor Flitwick and now he had new friends so all in all, he was just fine.

Nikola sat in the schools library with piles of books in front of him as he had multiple open at once as his eyes darted through all of them.

He read and wrote down notes correcting any flaws he could see and made improvements to some potions he knew to be flawed.

He also scanned over history textbooks both related to Muggle and wizard as he was fascinated by knights armour as well as elemental magic.

Elemental magic was a rare and most likely lost art but he didn't focus on the primary elements.

That would be no challenge, his focus shifted towards the persuit of understanding the sub-element that was Lightning.

His intention behind this was one of his own personal reasons.

"I was wondering when you would come and seek me out." Nikola said as he looked up.

Just barely he was able to make out the shape of Harry who smiled.

"Forgive me, I was occupied with other matters, I should have informed you." Harry apologized but Nikola waved his hand.

"Think nothing of it, we are individuals who seek to advance in our own fields and will obviously become engrossed in our own business to do that, I cannot hold you to it as that would make me a hypocrite." Nikola said smiling as he stood up looking at Harry.

"You wanted to talk to me, what about?" Nikola asked as he put away his journal containing his notes as he closed the books before him

"Perhaps a more private setting would be better." Harry said and Nikola raised an eyebrow before he nodded.

"Very well, lead the way, my friend." Nikola said as he took out his want and sent the books back to where he had gotten them.

"For one who despises magic so, you have no problem using it." Harry commented as the two walked.

"A scientist must be well versed in all fields in order to obtain his goals so while I am against the concept of magic, the spells work quite well in some areas where physically I cannot obtain." Nikola explained and Harry nodded.

"Too true." Harry said as the two walked through the halls of the school.

"Any suggestions on where you would like to conduct this conversation?" Nikola asked and Harry thought for a minute before nodding.

"Perhaps your dorm room?" Harry asked and Nikola put his hand to his chin and thought for a moment before nodding.

"It is acceptable as long as you do not mind a mess." Nikola said and Harry shook his head.

"Have you met my "brother" and his friend?" Harry asked as the two shared a laugh.

With that they then continued to walk in comfortable silence.


That's it for this chapter

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Harry Potter: The cost of neglectजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें