Chapter 15

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No one's POV

Quirell shook where he stood as the figure walked closer singing that song before he came to an end.

" seem to take a liking to harming the Potter girl?" The figure asked.

He also had heterochromatic eyes, with a left eye that is green in color and a right eye that is deep red in color, the latter being covered by a monocle filled with gears.

He also wore gray Victorian Era formal suit with a white shirt underneath and a blood red steampunk top hat, also wearing the blood red trousers, a blood red coat over his suit and a pair of black gloves.

He opened the coat slowly revealing pouches as he opened them reaching in and taking out several knives from it.

"I think it's time we have a little chat."

Quirell tried to back away from him when suddenly he tripped and fell on his back.

Looking at what he tripped over it revealed that a thin but very durable wire was tied between two desks.

"W-Who are you?!" Quirell exclaimed went a knife went flying past his head stabbing into the ground.

"To muggles they referred to me as a ghost of the past coming back to haunt them..."

While the hat they wore provided a shadow to cover them they raised there head revealing a smile that shook Quirell to his core.

"I am Jack The Ripper." He said.

Quirell was soon being forced onto the ground as he was quickly cut.

The cuts weren't fatal but they were in places that would surely bleed.

"Consider this a warning."

Quirells eyes widened.

They were gone.

It was as if the figure was never there in the first place.

Soon enough teachers came into the room to see the bleeding and cut Quirell on the ground.

"J-Jack The R-Ripper!" Quirell screamed as they looked at him.

"Quirell what do you mean?" McGonagall asked the deathly frightened professor as he slowly stood up.

"H-He was here!" Quirell exclaimed.

The teachers looked at the man in confusion.

Perhaps it was the situation that made the man say that name as it were impossible for him to be there so they took his to the medical wing to get his injuries treated.

There was nothing in the room that could prove that Quirell was telling the truth only blood dripping from some vials that were broken on the ground as glass was everywhere.

They concluded that the professor had probably had an accident and fell on the broken glass caused from the vials and his head on a desk causing him to be somewhat delirious.


Harry had returned to his room as he quickly took off his assassin outfit and placed it all back in his trunk before he took the knives he used and carefully cleaned them of the blood.

Harry got dressed first and laid a towel on his bed putting the knives down as he took some cotton and cleaning agent before he dabbed some cotton onto the cleaning agent before he began to carefully clean the knives.

He needed to make sure he got every drop of blood off of them which normally would take time.

Harry heard a knock on the door as he got up and walked to it.

He opened the door seeing Daphne in front of him as he raised an eyebrow.

"It's quite late for you isn't it?" He asked and Daphne raised an eyebrow.

"I could ask you the same thing." She said and Harry gave an amused smile.

"Very well but what are you doing in front of my room?" Harry asked.

"I wanted to talk in private and I couldn't think of a better time than now." Daphne said and Harry merely nodded as he moved out of the way for her to enter.

Daphne walked into the room and saw the bloody knives that were on the bed that Harry was cleaning along with the ones that had already been done.

"Knives?" She asked and Harry closed the door as he walked to his bed sitting down once again as he went back to cleaning.

Daphne sat next to him as she watched him for a moment.

"So what did you want to talk about with me?" He asked and Daphne looked at him.

"Teach me." She said and Harry turned to he as he stopped for a moment.

"Teach you what?" He asked and Daphne glared at him for a moment before she sighed.

"Teach me this." She said and Harry chuckled.

"Why do you want to learn how to clean knives?" He asked and Daphne gave a frustrated sigh.

"Very well." Harry said and Daphne gave a small smile.

"But first tell me why you want to learn how to be an assassin." He said and Daphne was silent for a bit before she sighed.

"I want to learn how to kill." She said and Harry nodded.

"That much was apparent but who do you want to kill that you seek to learn how to?" He asked and Daphne remained silent at that.

Harry knew this must be a personal matter so for the time being he decided to let it go.

"Move a bit closer." He said and Daphne did as told.

"Before you can even learn how to kill it is important that you learn how to properly take care of the equipment that you will be using when performing the job." Harry said and Daphne nodded listening intently.

"The knives are my main form of weapon, not everyone will rely on the same kind of weapon but for now I will teach you using these now, a well taken care of weapon or blade will always bring forth the best results and will also be your greatest ally in battle." Harry said before he handed her a cotton ball and bloodied knife.

"Now you will be cleaning with me." He said and Daphne nodded as they cleaned them together.

Occasionally Harry would look at her with his soul eye just to see her soul.


That's it for this chapter

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