Chapter 18

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No one's POV

Some time had passed since then and Harry had heard that Daniel and Ron had gotten detention with Malfoy for being out past their curfew.

This interested Harry a bit as he decided that he eavesdrop on their conversation.

Harry had waited until night had fallen before he walked to Gryffindors portrait that hid the entrance into their house.

Harry stepped in front of the door and the Fat Lady looked down at him.

"Mr. Potter? What are you doing out of bed so late?" The portrait asked him and Harry smiled.

One thing that helped Harry was the fact that he and his brother looked somewhat alike and since it was night he was able to trick the portrait into thinking it was Daniel.

"Headmaster had to see me now let me in." He said and The Fat Lady looked at him before she swung open and Harry walked in.

Using the darkness he made his way to the boys side of the House before he now stood in their room.

"I can't believe what was in there." Ron said as he looked over at Daniel who shushed him.

"Be quiet! We don't want everyone else to hear this." Daniel whispered as Harry raised an eyebrow and continued to listen.

"But Daniel! First that giant three headed dog thing and now...whatever that thing was out there." Ron whispered.

"I know now just go to sleep." Daniel whispered.

Harry left after hearing that as he now left Gryffindor house and returned to his own as he walked to his room.

He walked to his bed and sat down contemplating everything he had just heard.

"I need sleep." He said to himself as he got up and walked to his bed.

"I have classes and it's Jessie's first game tomorrow and I want to be wide awake for it."

Harry got up and changed into his pajamas before getting into bed.

The next day

Harry was sitting in a double potions as he had Daphne were working together making a potion that makes terrible boils appear on the body.

"You have done well." Harry said and Daphne looked at him.

She knew what he was talking about and a small smile graced her face.

Ever since Harry had first encountered Alucard he had been more on edge then before.

He hadn't seen Alucard since their fight but Harry could sometimes hear him, his laughter was something that unnerved Harry the most.

That laughter meant Harry had to always keep his guard up since he was horribly outclassed.

Harry shook his head before he turned his head noticing something.

Harry tapped Daphne's shoulder as he switched places with her before he grabbed something and lifted it up.

Ron was being held by his hair in Harry's hands as Harry smiled at them.

"Hello Ronald." Harry said before Snape walked over looking at the situation.

"What is happening here?" Snape masked and Harry chuckled before he lifted Ron's hand up.

"Presenting Ron Weasley and his attempt to make the potion that Greengrass and I harm us." Harry said and Snape took the item.

"Fifteen points from Gryffindor and detention." Snape said before looking at Harry.

"Mr Potter please escort him to his seat." Snape said and Harry nodded before he started walking as he dragged Ron along with him.

Ron tried to get Harry's grip off him but it was to strong as Harry shoved Ron back into his place next to Daniel before walking back.

Harry went back next to Daphne before working on the potion once again in silence.

Daphne looked at him before they both started working together once again.

Soon the potions class came to an end as Harry stretched his body for a moment.

"We continue with your training on Friday night." Harry said and Daphne nodded.

"We still need to figure out your weapon but I'm sure we will figure it out in time." Harry said as he began to walk.

"Where are you going?" She asked and Harry turned to her with a small smile.

"It's my sister's first game against Hufflepuff and Tobi along with Qin Shi Huang have left before us to arrange a place for us to watch." Harry said as he turned and started walking again.

Daphne stood silent for a moment before she walked after him.

"Harry! Wait for me!" She called and Harry stopped.

After catching up with him he looked at her.


"I want to come with you." She said and Harry smiled but tilted his head a bit.

"And why do you want to come with me?" He asked and Daphne glared at him for a moment before she huffed.

"Well I am your friend so I wanted to join you in...supporting your sister." She said and Harry tilted his head but refrained from seeing if she was lying.

Harry already knew that she was but he wouldn't press on the subject any more than he needed to.


"She is quite good." Tobi said as he watched her dodge a bludger to the face.

"She seems quite nervous though." Qin Shi Huang said as he looked into the air watching her fly.

"This is at already better than what happened between Slytherin and Gryffindor."

"Yes." Harry said as he activated his soul eye and looked around the field at the stands.

He had become aware of whose soul belonged to whose and now he was searching for Quirrel and his eye landed on where the teachers sat.

He didn't have a difference in how his soul normally would be but Harry was still suspicious of him before he stopped the ability.

Harry then turned back to the game and watched his sister.

"I never knew she had such an interest in flying." Harry said as he watched her as she and the Hufflepuff seeker were chasing the golden snitch.

"Do you have an interest in it?" Daphne asked and Harry shook his head.

"Sometimes but I have never given it a try except for when we took part in the lesson for it." Harry said before Tobi tapped his shoulder quickly.


Harry turned to Tobi who pointed up to the sky as he followed him to see Jessie's broom acting up once again as his eyes widened.


That's it for this chapter

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