Chapter 6

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No one's POV

From that day things had changed.

Sirius had sworn he would never be James friend again as he searched for Harry everyday without stopping.

Jessie had cried her eyes out and refused to leave Harry's room.

Lily had not spoken a word to James since that day as she aided Sirius on his search for Harry.

That was three years ago...

Harry was cleaning the blood of his knife in the safehouse that Jack had taken him too.

Harry had spent the last three years training under Jack and over time he managed to regain the memories of one of his past lives.

The life he regained was named Edward Kenway, he was a pirate from all those years back when privateering still existed at large.

Harry's mentality from that day was never the same.

Harry was humming the song that was closest to his heart as he used a clothe to clean off the person's blood from his knife before he put it away.

He had taken joy in taking the lives of others, some were Templars while others were those who very much deserved the death they recieved.

Over the years Harry had trained in both skill and magic, he wanted to show everyone who doubted him that he was more powerful than they could ever hope to be.

He stood up and stretched his body smiling.

"What a lovely day it is, wouldn't you say Jack?" Harry asked as he looked out the window.

Something that Harry had received from Jack was his soul eye.

Harry's right eye possesses the ability to see people's emotions as colors.

By looking into a person's "soul", Harry can discern their real intentions by even the slightest change in color.

This eye was very helpful to Harry as he was able to tell which people he needed to kill and which to avoid, this ability was similar to the sixth sense he had picked up while he relived the life of Edward Kenway.

Harry walked across the room and sat down as he poured tea into a cup and raised it too his lips drinking some of it as he put it down.

"London Bridge is falling down.....falling down.....falling down.....London Bridge is falling" He sang as he drank the tea.

"You know what day it is." Jack said and Harry nodded as he put the tea cup down and poured more into it.

"It's my birthday and also a month before I must go to...Hogwarts." Harry said as a smile spread across his face as his right eye swirled for a few moments before it returned to normal.

Harry looked at the clock and stood up before he walked out of the room into the one he had called his bedroom and picked up a textbook.

The book he read was regarding poison making which fascinated Harry as he spent a good amount of studying from it.

"Did you know Jack, that apparently when myself and my siblings were born a dark wizard named Voldemort attacked." Harry said as he looked at the spirit who looked at him with interest.

"Oh do go on." Jack said and Harry laughed.

"Apparently he tried to come and kill me and my siblings but then was stopped by some kind of magic that protected me and my siblings...hehe this was what I heard from the mouth of a wizard before I slit their throat." Harry said as he picked up the tea cup and drank from it.

"How amusing wouldn't you say?" Harry asked.

"Quite so." Jack said before Harry put the book down.

"I hope you don't mind that I have been using your alias of Jack The Ripper." Harry said and Jack shook his head.

"Not at all." He said before he stood up and put a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"You have been doing well." Jack said and Harry nodded.

"Thank you but I owe it to my teacher." Harry said and Jack smiled at the boy.

Over the years Jack had gotten a soft spot for the boy, he had pushed him hard over the years in his training but looking at Harry now, he knew it was all worth it.

"One month...the endless possibilities that can come from it." Harry said as his smile only got bigger.

One Month later

Harry was sitting patiently in a train compartment as he polished off his knives before storing them in the pouches that were hidden away by his coat.

With his gloved finger he ran his had along the blade of the knife and smiled.

"Nice and sharp." He said quietly before he put it away.

Now he sat on the Hogwarts Express as he waited to be taken away to the magical school.

Harry looked outside as he watched all the families as he rolled his eyes, the families he saw sickened him.

They were walking proof of the life that he could not have.

Harry smiled as he remembered the last kill he had gotten before he had gotten on the train.

Thinking back it was a Templar family and he remembered the plan he had used in order to kill them.

He had pretended to be a poor orphan who had just seen a dead body and was traumatized.

Jack had taught him that acting in the situation could make the kill much more interesting.

He lured them into the alley as he used piano wire to set his trap while he took care to avoid it.

The second one of them had set of the trap they were met with a storm of knives that plunged into every part of their body.

Harry remembered the pools of blood that built up from the bodies as he blended away into the darkness after taking his knives and piano wire.

They probably must have found the bodies but that was of little consequence to Harry seeing as he was already gone from the scene leaving no trace he had been there.


That's it for this chapter

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