Chapter 28

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No one's POV

With Harry's business with Snape completed he walked towards the door.

"Have you began talking to her again?" Harry asked as he put his hand on the door handle looking at Snape from the corner of his eye.

Snape knew what Harry was talking about giving him a nod.

"I have."

Harry nodded as he pushed open the door.

"That is good to hear."

Without another word, Harry left the classroom and closed the door behind him where he was met with Qin Shi Huang who was waiting for him.

"There you are." Qin Shi Huang said and Harry nodded as the two started walking together.

"So, Tobi said you have potential allies that we could have join us." Harry said and Qin Shi Huang nodded.

"Yes, they are both from Hufflepuff." He said and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Interesting, I've never truly interacted with that house as of late...and it means I will not have to deal with a potential have my interest." Harry said smiling a bit and Qin Shi Huang chuckled.

"They are in the library, I asked them to wait for us and they were more than happy too."

They made small talk for a little longer before they came to the library as Harry saw the two.

One had blonde hair that was wavy and messy, Harry activated his soul eye on him before his eye widened.

'Not...a single shred of hatred...not one at all, it's all full of love and care as well as an unending wave of kindness.' Harry thought astounded.

The one he was looking at turned his head and smiled at Harry while the other one noticed as well turning his head.

"Hey there." The other greeted as he sat up a bit.

"Greetings." Harry said as he walked over to them along with Qin Shi Huang.

"Hello Buda, Adam." Qin Shi Huang greeted as he gave them a small wave.

Harry looked at Buda before he shielded his eye.

'Damn bright soul.' Harry thought as he shook his head a bit.

"It is a pleasure to meet the both of you." Harry said as he walked to one of the chairs and sat down.

"Sooooo we've seen you around." Buda said as he pulled a lollipop out of his mouth and pointed it at Harry before he grinned.

"Can't say you haven't been interesting."

Adam gave a small chuckle as he leaned back before reaching into his robes pocket pulling out an apple.

"Hm, Qin Shi Huang has spoken about you two in passing but I am glad to have this moment to talk to you both in person." Harry said as he folded his arms.

"But why would you want to meet me, if you've seen things I've done?" He asked them curiously.

Buda put the candy back in his mouth as he fixed his sunglasses.

"Nothing really, just thought we could be pals and I brought Adam along with me just cause." Buda said and Adam smiled.

They all talked for a bit and Harry had to admit that he liked their company until Tobi walked over.

"Harry, I need to talk to you, urgently." He said and Harry raised an eyebrow before he nodded and stood up.

"We can continue this conversation later." Harry said as he said goodbye to them.

"Yeah sure, see ya around." Buda said with a wave.

"Yes, it was very nice to talk to you." Adam said with a wave.

"I will see you in Slytherin House then." Qin Shi Huang said.

Harry turned and walked away with Tobi as they left the library.

"It's happening tonight." Tobi said and Harry turned to him.

"You mean..." Harry didn't have to finish as Tobi nodded.

"Yes, tonight is the night that Quirrel will make a move on the stone." Tobi said and Harry put his hands behind his back.

"From the information you gathered while watching my "brother" and his idiotic friend." Harry said in disgust having mentioned that word when referring to Daniel.

"Quirrel seems to be after a stone which is hidden away in the school an thanks to Hagrid we now know that the entrance to the hidden area is guarded by a three headed dog." Harry summed up as he walked to a window and looked out.

"That begs the question as to how you will get past the guard dog." Tobi said and Harry gave a small chuckle.

"That will be simple, do not worry but this will be a...personal issue that I will see to it myself, I do not want the slightest margain of error to present itself." Harry said as he closed his eyes and took a small breath.

"I will go survey the area tonight and from there I will plan it accordingly as I find it quite helpful to know my hunting grounds before I play with my prey."

A grin spread on Harry's face as he turned to Tobi.

"Thank you for the information you've provided me, my friend as usual, you do not disappoint." Harry said as Tobi nodded before Harry walked away from him.

Harry walked along the halls as he thought.

'This will require quite a bit of planning.' Harry said as he looked to his side's at the pouches before looking ahead once more.

'Allow me to be of...assistance.' Alucard said to him and Harry chuckled.

'Oh you're abilities will be very helpful to me.'

Harry continued to plan out everything he would need to ensure that his plan would go off without the slightest of problems.

"I even have the perfect bait...two fumbling idiots who want to be heroes without and thought of the damage that they might encounter along the absolutely perfect they will be...hehe should they survive long enough that is." Harry muttered to himself.


That's it for this chapter

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