Chapter 3

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No one's POV

Harry's eyes widened as he looked at the man before him.

He was meeting humanity's most infamous serial killer in person.

"H-How do I know your telling the truth?" Harry asked and Jack put the hat back on his head as he looked down at the boy.

"Because deep within your heart, you know that the words I am uttering are only the truth and nothing else." Jack said and Harry began to relax as he still gripped the knife.

If what the man before him was saying was true than he couldn't take the chance.

Jack noticed this and walked closer to the boy taking a knife own his own out and had it at Harry's neck faster than Harry could even see.

Harry closed his eyes preparing to meet death but it never came as he opened his left eye slowly only to reveal Jack held his hand out to him instead.

Harry slowly took the hand as Jack pulled him up to his feet.

"You took precaution, I'm impressed." Jack said and Harry smiled.

"I'm a huge fan of you!" Harry said and Jack's eye widened before an amused smile came to his face.

"A fan of me? But aren't you only seven years old?" He asked and Harry nodded.

"But you were never identified by anyone! You killed anyone you wanted without so much as getting caught and you still weren't! Your case is the most unsolved mystery to exist." Harry said and Jack gave a small chuckle.

"You know quite a bit about me it seems." Jack said and Harry nodded but something puzzled Harry to no end.

"How are you still alive?" Harry asked and Jack looked at him for a moment.

"I am not."

This only confused Harry more.

"What do you mean?" He asked and Jack chuckled a bit.

"I am merely the physical form of a life you had once known or rather one of the lives you had once known." Jack said as he put a hand on Harry's shoulder motioning him to turn back to the trunk.

Harry went back to the trunk and continued to dig a bit deeper as he found old weapons not just knives but old flintlock pistols, rapiers even a sort of grappling device as well as a retractable springlock blade.

"I saw my dreams." Harry said and Jack nodded.

"You are the reincarnation of assassins, a brotherhood that has been long forgotten by history, the Brotherhood of the assassin's." Jack said and Harry looked at him completely baffled.

"I'm an assassin?" Harry asked and Jack gave a laugh as he shook his head.

"No." He said before he turned to Harry and looked down at him.

"But you could be, with the right training of course, I'm sure the memories will return to you overtime as well but until then." Jack said as he got down on one knee.

"I suppose I could train you in what I know." Jack said and Harry's eyes widened.

"Really?!" He asked enthusiastically and Jack nodded.

"All I will be doing is honing the skills that you already know but have just forgotten." Jack said and Harry looked at him.

"Can I get back to you?" Harry asked and Jack raised an eyebrow before he nodded.

"Very well but I expect an answer by tomorrow." He said and Harry nodded as he watched Jack vanish.

Harry closed the trunk but kept one knife as he put it away in his pocket.

Harry had no idea how long he had been there but he quickly ran back to his home.

Once he got there he found Jessie sitting outside waiting for him before she got up and ran over to him.

"Where were you!?" She asked both a bit angry and relieved.

Harry smiled as he pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry for worrying you but I couldn't just stand being around Daniel as long as necessary." Harry said and Jessie pulled away from the hug looking at him.

"Then why didn't you take me with you?" She asked and Harry shook his head.

"I promise I will bring you along next time." Harry said and Jessie smiled before the two walked back inside.

Once getting back inside they walked right into Ron and Daniel.

"Jessie what did I tell you about hanging around the squib?" Daniel asked and Jessie glared at her brother.

"I don't have to listen to you Daniel." She said.

"But what's so good about hanging around a squib? Why don't you just stick with us?" Ron asked as he tried to grab Jessie's arm but was stopped but was stopped by Harry who glared at him.

"You will not touch my sister." He said menacingly as he tightened his grip on the arm.

"Let go of me squib!" Ron shouted as he tried to pull back the arm before Harry let it go causing Ron to fall back on his feet and land on the ground.

Jessie giggled as Harry smirked before he ducked under a fist that came from his own brother.

"Don't hurt my friend squib!" Daniel snarled and Harry gripped his hand into a fist before his eyes widened as he fell to his knees.

Ron had kicked him in the stomach as Harry held his stomach breathing heavily.

Daniel smirked as he walked over and kicked Harry to the floor before he stepped on the side of his face.

"This is your place squib, remember it because this is all you will ever be." Daniel said before he stepped off his face.

Ron got up and rubbed his wrist before he kicked Harry in the stomach again as Harry gasped holding his stomach once more.

Jessie ran to her brothers side as she glared at the leaving figure of Daniel and Ron.

"Those two are such prats." She said as Harry breathed in and out trying to catch his breathe.

"I know..."


That's it for this chapter

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