Chapter 16

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No one's POV

Daphne slowly began to stir as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

She remembered going to Harry the night before and him agreeing to teach her.

She expected to be in her room but she could not remember when she had left back to her room.

She realised that she still must have been in Harry's room and what proved it was the fact that Harry was resting on an armchair with a blanket on him as she got up and walked to him.

She put a hand on his shoulder and shook him gently.

Harry slowly opened his eyes before they adjusted and landed on Daphne as he smiled.

"Good morning." He said as he sat up and cracked his neck before standing up.

"Why are you sleeping on a chair?" She asked and Harry chuckled.

"Well you were asleep and it was too late to take you to your room so I merely put you under the blankets and decided to make myself comfortable on this armchair." Harry said and Daphne stared at him for a moment before she looked away.

"Thank you then." She said and Harry nodded as he stood up.

"It's still quite early so why don't you get some more sleep, I have to take care of some things as it is so you are more than welcome to continue to use my bed." Harry said but Daphne shook her head.

"No thank you, I've taken up enough of your time as it is but it was nice of you to offer." She said as she walked to the door.

"Oh and since it is Saturday I will teach you more." Harry said and Daphne nodded.

"I look forward to it." She said and left his room.

Now that he was alone in the room Harry walked to the bed and laid down.

Even though he had offered his bed he was still quite tired so he pulled the blankets over himself deciding those tasks can wait for a bit.

Harry had slept for another hour before getting up and preparing for the day.

He had just put on his gloves and stretched a bit.

It was Saturday so Harry didn't have any obligations other than helping Daphne but that would come soon.

He left the common room after securing the gloves on his hand.

Harry walked along the Great Hall as he hummed happily.

Harry walked to the Great Hall and sat down for breakfast.

Harry was sitting alone for the moment as the others were still asleep but he was fine with that seeing as it was the weekend after all.

Harry drank some tea content with himself.

"Morning Harry."

Jessie sat down next to him and smiled as Harry smiled back at her.

"Good morning." Harry said as they began to talk together.

Harry suddenly felt a stinging pain in his head.

Harry lowered his head for a moment as he growled.

The pain only seemed to increase as he held his head.

"" He muttered before he got up.

"Harry? Are you ok?" His sister asked and Harry didn't answer as he began to walk out of the Great Hall.

Harry made it outside before he leaned against the wall.

His vision got blurry as he could barely stand.

"Come to me..."

Harry's eyes widened before he fell to the ground.

In his mindscape

Harry stood in darkness as he reached for his sides trying to reach for his pouches but they were gone.

Harry's eyes widened as he cursed before he raised his fists.

"No for those."

Harry looked around only to see darkness that seemed to stretch on everywhere.

"Show yourself!" Harry demanded.

From the darkness all around Harry giant eyes began to form.

Red slitted eyes filled the void as they all swarmed behind Harry.

They were watching him all of them kept there eyes on him as they moved faster all going in one direction.

Harry turned when he saw it.

A dark mist began to form with red outlines on it as a glint came from it.

The mist had formed a person as they walked closer to him.

The form the mist had taken was that of a man who now stood towering over Harry.

He wore a classic Victorian fashion, including a charcoal suit, leather riding boots, and a intricately knotted red cravat, covered by a full-length, red frock overcoat (similar to the duster coats often associated with cowboys) with cape.

He also wears a red fedora with a wide, floppy brim and a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses with goggle sidings. His gloves, which are engraved with the Hellsing seal (a pentacle decorated with occult symbols and several mottoes, reading: "Hell's Gate Arrested / Gott Mit Uns / And Shine Heaven Now"

The orange glasses glinted in the darkness.

"Get out of my mind." Harry snarled as he glared up at the man before him.

"Oh? Then perhaps you are willing to fight for it?" He suggested as he lifted his hands up revealing he held both of Harry's pouches in his hand.

He threw them at Harry who caught them and quickly put them onto his side's.

"The victor shall claim the mind and body, is this agreeable?" He asked and Harry nodded.

"You have a deal." Harry said and the man smiled as he reached behind his back pulling out two large pistols.

"It is a shame that you will be defeated." He said.

Harry took several steps back and reached into the pouches pulling out two long blades.

He knew he wouldn't be able to set up traps so his only option was to fight him head on.

Harry connected both blades together revealing they were a pair of giant scissors that were very sharp.

"Let the battle for dominance begin." The man said as the two engaged each other.


That's it for this chapter

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