Cam's POV

There were two types of bad people. The ones who owned up to it and the ones who acted all holier than thou while being the scum of the earth. My dad was the second one.

The whole way to the white dove resort, my dad kept emphasizing how I had to woo their son and make sure he got that business deal. It was like he didn't even realize how fucked up this was.

Every time he repeated the same thing I wanted to throw myself out of the moving car.

It didn't help that my dad brought his stupid new girlfriend along with us as well. After last time she didn't really try to talk to me other than the basic pleasantries.

By some miracle though we finally made it to the hotel without me killing myself.

After thanking Burt and getting out of the car I saw the hotel in its entirety. No wonder my dad wanted to get these people as investors. The couple had rented out the whole hotel lobby for the evening and by the looks of it, it probably costed a couple hundred grand to do so.

My dad and Anaya took the lead as they started walking inside the hotel, their arms interlocked. I walked after them as I fixed my long red satin dress making sure it sat perfectly on my body.

The second we walked in the golden glow of the lights and the soft classical music washed over us. I had to admit, even I was awestruck by the decorations adorning the room.

Green ivy vines hung from the walls and ceiling with strategically placed flowers and a multitude of fairy lights. The furniture around the room was made out of gold metal making the room look like an enchanted forest.

I was definitely taking notes. This was going on my Pinterest board.

I took a look around to see if there was anyone I knew, but with the exception of a few major shareholders and politicians that came to my dad's banquets, there was no one I knew. This wasn't a complete surprise to me because I already figured Ian and Michelle would only invite people they already knew and some of my father's competitors so they could get to know every company.

I continued to follow after my dad and Anaya as I observed everyone in the room. There were already men huddled around the open bar, women standing to the side and gossiping with one another, and servers walking around with plates of different appetizers.

My dad had hurried me saying he wanted to be there early, but I guess everyone else had the same thought as well.

We stopped at an open table and my dad continued to survey the room, presumably to find Ian and Michelle.

From the way he perked up I could tell he found them. I followed his gaze to see a stereotypical white couple talking and laughing with one of my dad's competitors.

My dad took Anaya's hand and started walking over, not giving a fuck that they were in the middle of a conversation. I walked to a few tables over so I could eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Micheal! How are you?" My dad asked playing fake nice.

Micheal, my dad business competitor, looked at my dad with a grimace.

"I'm fine." He said through gritted teeth.

My dad clapped him on the shoulder with a fake grin, "I admire you so much Michael. Even though your stocks are plummeting because of Philip's scandal, you seem to be so optimistic. I strive to be like you."

I knew my father's tactics all too well. I also didn't miss the look Ian and Michelle gave each other when they heard the words 'plummeting stock' fall from my dad's lips.

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