Cam's POV

Usually I love being the center of attention, but a rush of relief swept over me when the final bell rang signaling to everyone that the day was over.

I guess when there's a drought of gossip, people latch onto the only piece of interesting information they can get their hands on, and to my dismay it was me and Lawton.

I waved goodbye to Zara and Will who were thankfully in my last class. Without them I would've went insane from all the questions thrown at me from other people. I would say for people to mind their own business, but that would be hypocritical of me because when I get a juicy piece of gossip I eat that shit up.

I was more offended than anything. Did people really think I'd settle for Lawton when I deserved a prince? I heard the prince of Denmark was good looking. And all I'm saying is that I probably have a chance.

As I was heading out of the school, more and more stoners stopped me in the hallway. They thought that now that I was with Lawton they could place their little drug orders through me.

Lawton was single-handedly bringing down my reputation. He's making these commoners think that it's ok to talk to me, but news flash, I was not some minion running back and forth collecting Lawtons little drug deals, he was my minion.

"Hey Cam. You think Lawton can get me some weed by next Friday?" Some random guy, who smelled like he hadn't had a shower in a week, asked as he sauntered up to me.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust, "I don't know. Also are you sure you want the smell of weed stuck on you over all... that?"

His mouth hung open as I pushed past him.

I was just about to reach the door when yet another person stopped me in my tracks.

A short burly guys stood in my path and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Where's Law-"

I let out an angry huff, "look. I don't know where Lawton is, I am not going out with him and no I will not put in your damn drug order or whatever the fuck you want me to do!"

I tried to push past him but it was like he was stuck there with cement.

"You tell that motherfucker that the next time I see him I'm bashing his face in. I already paid but he still hasn't delivered my shit. That fucking idiot," the guy muttered angrily, as he turned around and stalked away.

I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the millionth time today as I pushed open the door and stepped out into the parking lot.

Why did everyone think that I knew where Lawton was? It wasn't like I had a tracker on him or something.

I probably talked too soon because as soon as I stepped outside I saw Lawton sitting on the hood of my car.

Wait. He was sitting on the hood of my car.

I let out a screech as I ran as fast as my 4-inch heels would take me. I gripped his wrist and yanked him off my car.

Does he not know that this car probably costs more than his whole bloodline?

"Do not, and I repeat, do not sit on Bethany ever again!" I yelled at him as I wiped the area where he was sitting with my sleeve.

"Forget about your damn car," he scoffed, "you're actually ruining my life."

"Don't get ahead of yourself," I said, whirling around to face him head on, "you're the one ruining mine."

"If you weren't so sick and twisted and didn't want me to be your little servant we wouldn't have anything to do with each other."

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