Cam's POV

I spent the next couple of days fuming at my dad's betrayal. Was he always this heartless? Just the thought of him was enough to make my blood boil.

The only good thing that happened this week was that people stopped talking about me and Lawton as much since we barely interacted the following days.

It was finally Saturday and I hadn't spoken to my dad since that day. Just how despicable do you have to be to hangout with your daughter just so she would agree to whore herself out? With a guy name Richard too. Disgusting.

Initially I had just thought about skipping the entire party altogether, but the more I thought about it the more I came up with an even better idea. What's worse than not showing up to your date? Showing up with another guy.

And luckily for me, I knew specific someone who owed me some favors.

Nothing is scarier than a daughter with a vendetta.

I fetched my phone from my night table and scrolled down to the contact I had renamed as 'minion'. It was finally time he start paying me back.

Cam: $500 off your debt if you go through with my plan today.
Read 10:24 am

I waited for a response but then I just realized he had left me on read.

Cam: I know you read that asshole. Reply.
Read 10:25 am

Cam: If you don't reply then the next text won't be to you but to the police station.

Minion: Fuck you.

Cam: In your dreams

Minion: Shut up
Read 10:27 am

I smirked at the reply and texted back the location I wanted him to meet me at. If everything went according to plan then all hell would break loose tonight. I couldn't wait to see the look on my dad's face when I walk in with another guy.

I ran to my closet, pulled on a random white crop and black cargo pants and grabbed my car keys. I ran out the door before Mika or Burt could bombard me with questions and started my car. Sadly I had to use my red Ferrari instead because my lambo was still at the shop.

I had told Lawton to meet me in front of Legacy Courts, which was basically a shopping mall for the elites. Instead of Macy's and Forever21 we had Prada and Gucci. And if I needed Lawton to play the role of my date, he had to look the part.

Finally, I pulled into the private parking lot and made my way to where I instructed Lawton to be.

The day was bright yet chilly and there was already a bunch of people milling about. There were a few influencers filming here and there with products that probably cost more than their rent, and people driving around in their expensive Bugattis and Ferraris.

Parents decked out in designer pulled their kids along who were also decked out in designer, and of course there were the common people who walked around gawking at us like we were specimen and continued window shopping.

Amongst the crowd I spotted a tall figure with a mass of curly hair and a bruise on his cheek, standing awkwardly as he looked around. I walked towards him, but stopped dead in my tracks when I got a clear view of him.

This had to be a joke.

Lawton turned around, and the second he caught sight of me his jaw dropped in annoyance.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

We had both pulled up in a white shirt and black cargo pants. It looked as if we intentionally planned this when in fact we did not.

The Bad Boy's DebtWhere stories live. Discover now