The New Kids Are WEREWOLVES?! Just My Luck

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  It's getting late so I decided to get some shut eye. I hopped on my fluffy bed and draped the blanket over me.

  "Night Locki!" I said. "George," I muttered after.


The sun shone directly in my face forcing me to wake up. I swear someone is out to get me. I dragged my body to the bathroom for a refreshing shower. That woke me up a bit so I decided to go pick my clothes. Lets see, hmmmm. I wore a pirate outfit yesterday - which is still in my gym locker - so I guess I'll just wear my jean short-shorts thats ripped at the edges and my nice, grey, long-sleeved shirt that has buttons at the top, but ends halfway. It's almost summer anyway. 

  I grabbed my bookbag and hopped out my window onto the roof ledge before dropping onto the ground. What? I've done that before. I'm too lazy to move that heavy dresser out of my way.

  Since George isn't going to school with me today, the walk to school was bearable. I even made friends with a squirrel. He decided to walk with me so I named him Flapjack. Flapjack didn't like me walking ahead of him so I do it on purpose. He still scampered up to be ahead.

  "Oh, so you wanna race Flaps?" I asked him. Never in my life have I EVER lost to a race. And I'm not losing to him. Flapjack saw the challenge and got in a running position. Well, for squirrels. To me he looks like he's humping the air.

  "1... 2...3...Go!" and we're off.


  "Woo! Ha! Take that Flapjack!" I was yelling and dancing my victory dance because I won the race. That's right. This sexy ass ninja gots speed! Flapjack, being the sore loser he is, just huffed and ran off. 

  "Oh, yeah! Oh yeah! Oh, yeah!" I shouted, loud enough for people to stop and stare at me but who cares! This whole school should know me by now!

  "Ummm what are you doing?" my friend, Kyle asked me from behind. I stopped short and turned to see him in the most ugliest shirt ever. It was a striped orange and white with a huge flower in it. The flower itself could make you gag. It was a light pink with purple splashed over.

  "The more important question is what are you wearing?" I asked, trying to contain my laughter. Kyle grimaced.

  "Ugh. My mom made me wear this" he complained. If you don't know, Kyle's mom is a BITCH. She put the itch in bitch and everyone knows it. Even Kyle but he won't admit it. So it's safe to say I can break into a song right now. (A/N song on the side)

  "WEEEEELL-" I started but Kyle cut me off.

  "Don't start singing that stupid song Tyler!" he warned. 


  "Tyler stop it. Stop it now cuz I don't wanna hear it."

  "Alright, alright. I'll stop," I told him. He breathed a sigh of relief. Silly boy. He really doesn't pay attention,


  Kyle's moms a bitch.

She's a big fat bitch.

She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world!

She's a stupid bitch.

If there ever was a bitch.

She's a bitch to all the boys and girls."

  "TYLER SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!" Kyle yelled but it was too late.

Oh, How I Hate The Word MATEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz