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"Dorn... I don't suppose you have the time to keep up with your messages these days. Fleets keep us both busy, eh? I guess I got a little sentimental and I...

I was just thinking about the time I first met you. You were sitting in the Mess with your friends, and you looked like you'd rather be anywhere else but sitting with us when we sat next to you. If you had told me then that we were going to be friends, I would have laughed.

Mostly because I always believed you never were going to come around on that. I always admired that certain level of frankness that you give off. Nothing is ever sugarcoated with you, and I always appreciated that. It kept me grounded, and I needed that when I was always getting pushed up onto new pedestals I didn't really want.

I was always a bit envious of your friend Aurek and you. The two of you were always so in sync, and I... well, I never really had a friend like that. Not until now.

I just wanted to say thank you for... for being there for me, I think. After my father died, you were really the only person left I could trust. That hasn't changed at all, at least not for me.

What I'm trying to say is...

Wherever Siqsa and Hux send you, wherever you go, know that I'll always be ready to come and get you. It's the least that I can do.

Stay safe, Dorn."


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