When we get home, the kids are both in the living room finishing their homework while I work on dinner. Soo-min's upstairs showering and getting ready for the night. 

"Kids, come eat. Minny, I'll bring your plate up to you alright," I say calling upstairs to her. 

Both kids come rushing into the kitchen like they've been starved to death, almost knocking me over. 

"Careful," I say holding Soo-min's plate above my head so they wouldn't knock it out my hands. I fixed their plates and had them on the tables ready for them to eat as I made my way upstairs. 

"Your dinner, madam," I say to Soo-min as I place her bed tray over her legs and put her plate and drink on it. 

"Thanks, Bada," she says with a sigh. 

"Something wrong?" I ask. She's usually a lot more enthusiastic about her food than this. Reminds me a lot of Luna. When they get food in front of them, they turn into completely different people, lol.

"I'm just a little tired," she says. This pregnancy has taken such a toll on her. 

"Well, you need to eat something first and then you can go to sleep. I'll get the kids ready for bed later," I tell her. 

"Thanks, hun. You've been such a lifesaver being her. This last trimester is truly kicking my ass," she says slouching as she stabs a potato on her plate. I stay up there until she finishes her food and collect her things before heading downstairs. 

When I walk into the kitchen, my blood runs cold. 

"What are you wearing?" I ask Nari, as I try to hold back from chucking this plate at her head. She doesn't even look up from her phone as she shrugs her shoulder. I'm glad the kids finished eating and are upstairs because I fear I am about to drag this hoe. 

"I was doing the laundry and found it in your room. It wasn't your style so I put it on," she says looking up from her phone at me. 

"Take. It. Off," I say trying to keep calm. 

"Oh, so you've finally come around to the idea of us, huh?" she says slyly as she gets up from the table and walks towards me. I put the empty plates and glass cup on the table beside me and ran my hands over my face. She comes over to touch my shoulder but I slap her hand away from me. 

"You had NO right going into my room and touching my things. Let alone wearing them. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I say confused and dumbfounded at how absurd she is. 

"You don't even like the color pink, so what's the big deal," she says rolling her eyes. 

"The big deal is that it wasn't yours to begin with. Who are you to take something from this house and where it when it's not yours? The only reason you're here is because your brother couldn't take living off a freeloader like you. He shipped you here and dumped you at my brother's doorstep. And you walk around here like everyone owes you something. None of us owe you a damn thing, Nari. Ever since I've gotten here, you've just been sucking the life out of me. Can't you get it into your sick and twisted head that there will never be anything between us? You're crazy to even think there could be. If it was up to me, I would've kicked your ass to the curb a long time ago," I say frustrated. She takes a step back as a tear slips out of her eye. 

"Whatever," she says taking the shirt off here in the kitchen leaving her in nothing but her bra. 

"Take it. It was hideous anyways," she says pushing the shirt into my chest and storming off into the basement. I went upstairs to my room to make sure she didn't take anything else. None of my other clothes are rearranged so I guess it was just this. I sit on my bed and pull the shirt to my chest and inhale. It was Luna's favorite pink shirt of mine. Luna's scent is gone. This was the last shirt I had of hers here that still smelt like her and it was ruined. 

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