"Can we?" Rain asks, perking up at the mention of food.

"Absolutely." Phayu says.

Rain starts to go back up the stairs, then pauses and turns to Phayu, "You are going to be a great parent too." He says giving Phayu a sunny smile.

Phayu feels his heart swell with love for this precious boy.

Sky stares down at his hands as he twists the promise ring on his hand. It feels like a lie. Not P'Pai's feelings for him, he no longer doubts those, and not his feelings for the alpha. P'Pai he desires body, heart and soul. He could see himself spending the rest of his life with the alpha. It's just that he doesn't see a future where that happens. Sky's past stands in the way of their future. He knows he should tell P'Pai everything, but he fears the minute he does the alpha will walk away, no matter how strong he feels for Sky.

He risks a quick glimpse at P'Pai before quickly looking back down. It hadn't really been a fight and the alpha didn't look mad, maybe a little hurt instead. For months P'Pai has been begging Sky to come support him at the races but Sky always finds one excuse or another. Usually saying he's too tired from school or has too much homework. Today on the way to P'Pakin's house he had asked, actually begged Sky again. This time, Sky, already nervous from being at a place he associated with the racers, snapped and taken it out on P'Pai

"If you don't stop asking, I'll go home right now. I am not going to the stupid race." Sky had said. He had immediately slapped a hand over his mouth, but the words were out. P'Pai hadn't said a word after that.

One more thing to feel guilty about. Besides the fact that he feels that he is leading P'Pai on, he knows the races are important to the alpha. P'Pai only wants to show Sky his world, he doesn't know the real reason Sky is afraid of the races.

When they arrive at the house Sky schools his features to look outwardly cool. He takes P'Pai's hand and squeezes it, he is relieved when P'Pai squeezes it back. He will make it up to P'Pai after the party.

The party. Part of Sky wants to pretend to be sick and ask to go home. It's not that he thinks his ex will be here tonight, Sky had heard that he has been banned from anything to do with P'Pakin because he had been caught making unapproved bets. Sky can guess what those had been, he used to be one of the bets. While people are allowed to bet their lovers at the race, it is supposed to be consensual by all parties. Gun had gotten around that rule by making side bets without the organizer's approval. He is still afraid of seeing faces he knows, and who might remember him.

Rain had asked him to be here, however. Sweet innocent Rain who only has to give him a puppy dog look and a pout and Sky will bend over backwards for him.

It's different than it is with P'Pai although Sky is the first to admit they have both made it past his carefully crafted defenses. Rain is like finding he had a brother he didn't know about. He thinks that if Rain ever turned his back on him, it would hurt even worse. Not that he thinks Rain ever would. His friend is loyal to a fault.

They find Rain in the living room sitting in a high back chair with P'Phayu and Rain's mama by his side.

"Wow, if I had known his highness was holding court, I would have worn my royal robes." Sky says.

Rain laughs and says, "I do feel a little like I am holding court. P'Pakin insisted I sit in here to greet the guests so I wouldn't be on my feet too long. He is very kind."

Sky is sure he is to Rain. Sky knows that the mafia leader is no one to get on the wrong side of.

Sky presents Rain their gift, a scrapbook for Rain to put baby pictures and milestones in. He has done the cover art of a kawaii rain cloud and tornado himself. "I hope you like it." Sky says, "P'Pai was ready to buy the baby a car." he is only half kidding.

P'Phayu laughs and says, "We probably should wait until the baby has a driver's license."

"Oh, stand beside us and take a picture, we are getting pictures of everyone with their gifts." Rain insists, he holds up the scrapbook so the cover will be visible. Sky can't think of a way to refuse gracefully so he stands between P'Pai and Rain's seat while P'Phayu kneels on the other side.

"I want that to be the first picture in the book," Rain says happily.

Over the course of the evening Sky does see a few people he recognizes. Several of the pit bunnies, who were always nice to him in a sympathetic sort of way, give him smiles but to his relief don't come to greet him. He wouldn't want to explain how he knows them. One of the old racers corners him by the bathroom to say hi and ask how he is doing.

"I'm fine, P'Oat, how are you?" Sky asks. He had always liked this man. P'Oat had never been part of Gun's group or taken part in the unauthorized bets. Sky also would take a wager that he is the one racer that could probably give P'Pai a run for his money.

"I'm good. So, you're not with..." before P'Oat can finish his sentence Rain comes to find them.

"P'Oat," he says happily. "Do you and Sky know each other?"

To Sky's relief the racer says, "No we were just making small talk. How are you, Rain? Ready to dump Phayu yet?"

Rain laughs and shakes his head. "P'Oat went to school with P'Phayu and P'Fah," Rain says.

"Nice to meet you," Sky says. "You probably know my boyfriend P'Pai as well." It's an answer to P'Oat's unfinished question and a request for his silence rolled into one.

"Oh, Pai. Absolutely. Never seen anyone with racing skills like him, except for me of course." He gives Rain a wink at this. "Well, I'm sure Phayu and Pai are waiting for you two, tell them I said hi."

"Why don't you come talk to them?" Rain asks.

"Maybe next time, my boyfriend is waiting for me, I just ran in to drop off a gift for the baby and promised I would be right back out." P'Oat says, "Take care, Rain, Sky."

After the party, P"Pai drives them both to Sky's house. "Do you want me to leave?" P"Pai asks.
Sky shakes his head, "No would you come in? Please."

Inside, Sky hugs him and says, "I'm sorry, you're not still mad at me, are you?"

P'Pai smiles and says, "I could never be mad at you, my Sky."

"I promise, I'll go to the race after this semester is done. There is just so much left to do with year-end exams and Rain's wedding coming up." Sky says.

"You don't have to," P'Pai says. Sky can't help but to smile at his cutely sulky tone.

"I want to, I want to support you and show everyone who has the coolest, bestest boyfriend in the world." Sky says, leaning in to kiss him. It's true too. Seeing the pit bunnies and P'Oat had reminded Sky that there were some good things about the races as well. Plus, he can't really hide forever, there are too many connections between his ex and P'Pakin, which is only one step away from P'Pai. For now, he wants to just enjoy the moment and forget about his past.

"Tired?" Phayu helps Rain into the house. "Why don't I put the gifts in the nursery then I will run you a bath?"

"A bath would be nice," Rain admits. "My back hurts a little."

Phayu uses Rain's favorite moisturizing oil in the bath and washes his back for him, then wraps him in a fluffy towel. "Feel better?"

"Much," Rain says with a sigh of relief. P'Phayu finds Rain's favorite pajamas and then tucks him in. "Sleep cute boy, I am going to read for a little bit." He grabs a magazine about motorcycles and sits up in bed. Rain immediately curls up next to him and falls asleep.

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