ask 29 and dare 67

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Starscream: How dare you?! I can't help it that I have them! 


June: It can never be that bad. 

Nilum: *destroys the tv* 

June: Actually I believe I got an emergency call from the hospital. *quickly leaves in her car* 

Arcee: Why is the little brat in our base again? 

Knockout: Because we said so. 

Breakdown: *sighs* Because we lost the coördinates of the Nemesis and can't contact them. 

Soundwave: *desperatly trying to reastablish contact with the Nemesis* 

Starscream: As you can see it's not going as smooth as we'd like for it to go. 

Nihilum: Starscream why do you have heels? 

Starscream: I can't help it okay! 

Nihilum: Buckethead Starscream is being mean! Beat him! 

Miko: *starts laughing* 

Megatron: *sighs* I'm not even gonna try and argue *beats the living shit out of Starscream* 

Nihilum: *rolling over the floor laughing* 

Starscream: I hate this so much, I'm out of here! 

Ratchet: I don't think so, because you can't find the Nemesis you are supposed to stay here until Soundwave finds it. And until Soundwave finds the ship the little brat is also staying. 

Starscream: Hurry up Soundwave!

Soundwave: I'm working - on it. 

5T3V3: Hello? Come in commander Soundwave! Where are you?

Megatron: Finally! Give us the location of the Nemesis right now!

5T3V3: Yes lord Megatron. 

Starscream: Finally! Get us out of here Soundwave!

Soundwave: *nodds and opens groundbridge* 

All Decepticons: *run through it* 

Nihilum: Aww, now it's not fun anymore. I'm gonna go bye everyone!

The Autobots: *Happy* Bye!

Me: That was entertaining, hope you enjoyed and have a nice day!

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