I went to my room beginning to take a shower once I was finished I threw on a posit of basketball shorts and a t shirt along with a pair of ones. I then sorted myself with some cologne and waited on Rocky to call me so we could go down and get something to eat. So with me waiting i texted Travis about getting lunch with us asking with deciding to call Y/N.

The phone dialed for a moment before she answered. "Hello?" She answered. "Hi it's your fiancé calling you" I announced as she laughed. "You are so dramatic" she expressed placing a smile on my face. "It's nice to know you are okay and well" I added. "I thought you were training so I didn't bother you" she explained. "Shoot me a text or something it's like once you get with my mother you go M.I.A." I brought up. "We be too busy talking about you" she said as I smiled "what y'all talking about now?" I asked. "How you been harassing me about seeing my dress" she said making me chuckle. "I asked you once" I started off but she interrupted me. "Out loud and then you texted me asking to see a picture of it" she reminded as a chuckle left my lips. "Mary-Anne is saying you're just excited" Y/N assured as I faintly smiled. "I am" I admitted. "I am too baby" Y/N said as I stood up and went over and stepped out on the balcony.

"How's Amara Acting?" I asked "she's just chilling with me on the balcony" Y/N answered as I stood there and smiled. "Mary-Anne wants to keep Amara for a couple of days, she said this is a special time for us, I told her I'll talk it over with you" she informed as I chuckled. "What Mary-Anne say after?" I asked hearing Y/N snicker. Knowing Mary-Anne she probably told Y/N she's taking Amara anyway.

"She said "she's taking Amara regardless of what you say because this is our honeymoon and you've been away training" she informed as I chuckled. "Sounds like Mary-Anne" I assured. "Mmhm you act just like her too" Y/N said as I smiled. "Have you heard from your pops?" I asked. "Yeah, i did what you told me to do and he's walking me down" she informed as there was a knock on my room door. "Is he bringing your step mother and sisters?" I asked getting up to go see who was at the door. "Nope just him" she answered as I seen Rocky at the door. "Okay well that's good he can be here for something special without any of the outside drama" I admitted. "Yeah but I got this funny feeling you know" she admitted. "Funny feeling about what? Us?" I asked confused going back out onto the balcony.

"No we're going to be fine I'm talking about my father." She started off "I love him and I know he loves me but if need be, for the sake of my sanity and the sake of protecting this family he will go" she assured. "I understand baby but everything good with you, I don't need to pop up?" I asked. "No I'm all good over here" she said which made me smile. "You rest to be Mrs. Creed?" I asked. "I don't know, I'm still thinking about it" she said. "I'm not listening to you" I simply said as she laughed. "Are you ready for me to be your wife?" She questioned. "Yeah, I always wanted you to be my wife" I honestly said as there was a pause. "I mean I couldn't tell the way you were banging on my apartment door talking to me all crazy" she brought up as I laughed.

"And I'd do that shit again" I assured as she giggled. "Just as long as you remember the timing I was on when we met around that time" she reminded. "Aggravated assault, assault and battery, attempted murder and vandalism......I was there" I listed making her laugh. "You did not have to bring that up" she said as I laughed. "Oh but I did" I said through a small laugh. "Damn, and you still want to marry me?" Y/N asked. "I do because that was your past what happened in that relationship ain't got shit to do with us. Like I told you back then, I would never look at you crazy in that situation because you were tired and hurt" I explained. "Now these past months" I brought up as she laughed. "I realized was going a little crazy so I eventually hid the bat just in case" I admitted as she giggled. "I'm not going to hit you D, he got hit because he was hitting me" she admitted "Just don't do that shit again please?" She asked. " I won't that's a time I don't ever want to go back too" I openly admitted looking at the water.

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