Chapter 33: Arrival at the Summer Camp

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It was so silent in the back of the combat vehicle, noone was actually speaking. The only sound coming to disturb the silence was the roar of the engine and the crunching of the gravel on which they rolled. Even Ace was silent, Izuku could see him looking at each of them through the bars of his cage.

The whole team was immersed in a classic mission atmosphere. They were ready, it was only another mission after all... But something seemed strange, why does the bus of the Class 1-B pulled to the side earlier, they had continued to follow the bus of the Class 1-A, but the second class haven't joined them. When he had asked that question to 1, the team leader only responded 'that it was part of the plan'.

Izuku re-checked his weapon again. Clean and ready.

-It's starting to becoming a behavior tic to you 10.

Said 3, the greenette shrugged his shoulders, responding in his normal, neutral tone.

-It at least keep me busy.

The medic looked at him for a pair of seconds, before sighing and closing his eyes and resting his head against the armored wall of the vehicle. That travel was so long, and was starting to get boring. Izuku wondered when they would arrive...


-Hey, extras, got any ideas why 10's team showed up?

Bakugo asked, turning his head toward Iida, Jiro, Uraraka and Tsuyu. Honnestly, it kinda intrigued them too. They didn't expected the whole Bravo-Team to show up, and especially not follow them.

-I don't know, maybe to escort us?

Proposed Tsuyu, while Iida said.

-Guard us? Do you all remember how secretive 10 was about the Summer Camp each time we asked him something? Or even better, if he was a simple security guard, how did he knew that.

Everyone nodded, maybe it was that, maybe something else.

-Bakugo, are you fine?

Asked Jiro out of nowhere.

-Uh... Yes I am? Why do you care for me music box?

Jiro sighed... Again that nickname, since she started to know him better, she had learned that it was part of his temperament that wouldn't change at all.

-No I mean... After the exams.

The explosive blond immediately responded.

-Yes I was. 10 just did something very unexpected, do not think that it was a moment of weakness. I don't care about any of you extras.

He scoffed. For any outside observer, the way he responded could really be understood as 'I don't care about you all', however, weren't they the five rejected from the rest of the class? Sure that time period was short, but they learned to know each other better, so the four understood that he had been worried by 10's state, and it had been even visible.

However one mysterious question about the soldier-teen remained.

-Say Bakugo... Why haven't 10 ever said his name?

Bakugo looked at Jiro with a serious look.

-I... well... I don't like to speak about that. About an episode in particular... But for you guys I'll tell. I already mentionned a pair of times his name, but let's say he don't use it anymore. His old self died in the past as well as most of his emotions, even tho they are coming back. 10 is kind of his new name, the name of his new personnality and person. He was very sweet and forgetful before. Now... well. You see how he is.

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