Chapter 28: Discussion.

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6 am...

And Jiro couldn't sleep. She simply couldn't. Each time she tried her eyes were opening less than 5 minutes later... She gave up and got up from her bed. The bluenette stretched, careful to not hit one of the musical instruments in her room.

Once that was done, she opened her windows... And saw 10 running around in complete equipement... She looked at him go... Before entering back in her room...

She loved him, no doubt on that, but this had a cost. She missed speaking to Momo, Mina or Denki, her closest friends. They just, abandonned her when she told them 10 wasn't in fault... And they only spoke time to time after that, but in a... cold way... It happened to everyone thay supported 10...

Iida, Bakugo, Tsuyu, Ochako and herself... They lost all of their friends...

She came out of her room, stretching again, today was an important day. The exams. And after will be a summer camp. They learned that info not so long ago. And Jiro noticed how 10 seemed eager to go there. It could be seen in the usually cold behaviour of the boy, even if it was changing...

Jiro went down the dorms stairs and into the living room, there was some early wakers, but she didn't paid attention as she went to prepare her breakfast... A simple one, just bread with butter and a glass of juice. But instead of remaining, she went out and sat on top of the stairs to take some fresh air...

Around five minutes later, she heard footsteps hitting the ground, she turned the head and saw 10 do another loop, and running by the entrance of the dormitory... He seemed to notice her and stopped.


He asked, Jiro shook her head.

-I just can't sleep. You?

The boy looked behind her for some reason, staring at something intensely, Jiro turned her head to see what it was, but nothing or noone was there.

-You good?

The boy looked back at her.

-Yeah yeah... Yes I am an earlywaker, but only to do my exercises.

Jiro's eyes squinted, she had noticed how he seemed to breathe faster and how unsure he responded when she asked if he was fine...

-Are you sure it's fine? Your breathing accelerated.

-Yeah don't worry about that... I just had a bad dream and I couldn't sleep well. It feels like someone's watching you... It's an... unpleasant feeling...

Jiro doubted it was that, but didn't pushed further. She changed subjects.

-Will you be here for our exams?

The boy's head tilted slightly.

-Noone ever told me about exams. It's today?

Jiro nodded.

-Yeah. I thought we warned you.

-No you didn't. Bah... It isn't really bad.

He gave another look, this time to the left, but to Jiro's eyes, there was nothing. And his breathing accelerated again.

-10, say the truth, your not fine, what's happening.

The boy nearly jumped, another strange thing.

-Nothing! Really.

-You're showing too much emotions. It's not your usual behaviour, you're stressed.

Said Jiro. And 10 sighed.

-Really, it's fine. Don't worry. Anyway...

Jiro emptied her glass in one gulp.

-No anyways. Something's happening.

A quirkless soldier... [Soldier Deku fanfic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin