Chapter 30: Final exams (Part 2)

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Slide pulled back and forth. Magazine loaded in a pistol. Grenade shaped gloves strapped on forearms. Small tap-tap on the smooth surface of a helmet. Small explosion produced in the palms of hands...

They were ready when they entered the place where the round would take place. A terrain looking like a city... A street fight then... Alright. Izuku was ready.

The siren sounded, announcing the start of the round.


Shouted Bakugo as he took off in the air, using his explosion to propelle himself... Izuku meanwhile, without any quirk to propell himself, simply started to sprint with his equipement as he shouted.



Screamed Bakugo before beeing out of his voice range... He was going to fast... Kacchan was going too fast... And would engage All Might alone...


So here he was... Facing the last group of students... All Might stood in front of the exit, it was either arresting him or running through the exit gate...

Well... All Might knew the both would probably try to fight him... He knew Bakugo and his dream. He would probably go onward and leave the second one without plan other than try to beat him.

All Might however didn't knew what the kid would try to do... Escape maybe? He didn't exactly knew what he was capable of. Even if 10 was part of a team of vigilantes that already made themselves speak of, the kid remained mysterious. The only event during which he made himself speak of was during the Atlantis raid. And even then there wasn't any particular infos...

He was interrupted in his thoughts and made a step aside to avoid one of Bakugo's explosions... Well... He arrived quicker than All Might expected.


Dang it!


Now his element of surprise was completely gone...

He put a feet on ground, staring at All Might coldly...

-Let's dance All Might. Let's see who's stronger.

But inside, Bakugo knew he wouldn't manage to win... He was just gaining time until Izuku managed to reach the combat zone... Bakugo had been to impatient... And went forward without waiting Izuku, it was part of the plan, but he went too fast...

He lauched at All Might, who prepared a smash. Bakugo pointed one arm toward the left and another toward the ground. Just before the contact, Bakugo made two explosion, avoiding All Might's smash while also flying over him.


The blonde made an explosion, but All Might was quick to react, he turned around and blocked the explosion, only backing up a few inches. The symbol of peace instantly followed up with a punch, and Bakugo went flying backward because of the powerful air gust, he restablished himself mid-air. Attacking him in close-range was not going to make anything, but he had to continue. He tried to drown All Might with smaller explosions aiming to blind the hero, but it didn't worked apparently as the massive fist of the symbol of peace hit him in the stomach, propelling him backward, and emptying his lungs from any air molecule.

Bakugo crashed in the ground, rolling several meters away...

That hurts... Bakugo stood up, shaking, trying to get his breath back, but got smashed and sent several meters away again. This time the shock was more brutal when he hit the ground... He almost couldn't stand up again, and All Might was approaching... The explosive blonde tried to get back up... And All Might lauched toward him...

A quirkless soldier... [Soldier Deku fanfic]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant