Chapter 7: The eye of the Hero Commission

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One Month Later...

Bravo-1 always said that the Sports Festival was the best moment to strike... He said that most of the criminals were watching it. To try and analyse who they shall face years later, but it was most of them. The others were continuing their job. But with less caution.

-We have arrived at the DZ, everyone go go go!

This time, Izuku had opted for a shotgun, so he took it, and exited the vehicle, checking his quarters... They were dropped in a dark alley... The buildings around were looking old... Broken windows, street art, mud and grass sometimes poking of cracks in the concrete... Someone tapped on his shoulder, he nodded and advanced... On the opposite side on the alley, 7 was also moving up... For one time he wasn't the last man... He checked the corners of the alley once he arrived at the end of the alley... The abandonned street was empty...

The greenette attentively looked... Street warfare... The most dangerous type of warfare, death could come from everywhere... There... On the roof of that building... A guy... He backed up and mumbled in the radio.

-Tango, opposite side of the street, second building, the red one, on the roof he got a WFOV on the perimeter.

Bravo-1 then spoke up.

-2, take him down.

Izuku turned the head toward 2 as she approached, he changed positions with her and looked... She crouched and leaned a bit on the side, lifted her hand, adjusting the sight... Then... The sniper approached her finger toward the trigger slowly... She took deep breaths... And pressed the trigger... A small cough...

-Tango KIA.

She said.

-Let's move. We enter the building next to us.

Izuku answered affirmatively... He moved forward, switching places with 2 once again, he exited the dark alley... Walking with his back against, he cautiously approached the entrance door, shuffles behind him indicated that the rest was behind him... The greenette pulled the handle of the door and entered...

The corridor in front of him was dark... He couldn't see well, especially with the protection googles... So he lowered his quad NVGs, after removing the googles, the place around became green with many hues, he advanced in the corridor, there was stairs in front, so while he kept his gun pointed toward there, he indicated.


The rest of the group entered, also lowering their NVGs and removing their googles.

-Move up, we will bring death from above.

1 said, before taking the lead, the squad took their positions, Izuku took his place, which meant the very end of the group. He checked their backs as they climbed up, the squad cleared the 9 stages of the building, before arriving at the roof... As they were climbing the last steps of the staircase, the door brutally opened, and 1 dissapeared as a bony hand grabbed him by the arm, instantly, the squad reacted, 2 took one's place, and fired on something outside, Izuku heard a scream, and something fall on the ground, then, pistol shots that were not coming from 2 and the sound of a body falling on the ground...

-It's fine. I took care of the second one.

1's voice sounded in their radio... The entire squad let a sigh of relief out... Bravo team came out of the staircase on the roof... Izuku pulled his quad NVGs back up and looked at both of the criminals... One  had a sort of gigantic hole looking like an ear on the hand... So that's how they heard them coming... He had been shot in the heart... The second one was a mutant... He had sort of bone protusions on the body, they were covering him like armor... But 1 had managed to fire in the neck and torso gaps... 4 couldn't help but make a joke...

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