Chapter 15: Unexpected contract.

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One... entire...month.

One entire month since that operation on the cruise... Izuku thought, it felt like yesterday honnestly... They still made some sort of small operations left and right, but nothing very difficult or stressful.

If you of course expelled the fact that the Hero Commission was on their tail now. The greenette still remembered that glare in Hawks's eyes, the hero was totally indoctrinated no doubt on that...

-Hey 10, snap out of it, focus.

Said 5 next to him, while gently tapping him on the shoulder, Izuku shook his head and groaned softly, his back hurting a bit. A one or two hours with the equipement wasn't always a party of pleasure... Izuku looked at 1 and 9 in front of him, 1 seemed to be in his thoughts, while 9 was snoring a little, eyes probably closed behind her googles, and head leaning against the wall of the vehicle...

Izuku remembered how 1 was contacted... He was there... And what he heard of the conversation made him understood why 1 was that thoughtful. The contrator had asked to meet them in person. It could be a trap, that's why 1 took 9 with them.

The vehicle stopped behind a building, in front of a ornated wooden door, which was actually the entrance to a bar, not an illegal one, but one where some vigilantes or villains were sometimes coming.

Izuku pulled his protection googles down and gripped his gun. 1 stood up and opened the door, and the four Bravo-Team members came out, 1 was the last to come out, closed the door and tapped the vehicle, telling to 6 to drive away, the tires screeched and skidded on the wet ground, and the black van drove off, leaving them four in front of the door...

Izuku felt a feeling of unease as he stood in front of the bar, all of this smelled the trap for him. An isolated place in Hosu, a night, far from base.

-Let's go before some undesired eyes see us.

Ordered 1 as he approached the door, pulling it, Izuku, 5 and 9 nodded, before entering the building.

The first thing that Izuku noticed was a heavy smell of alcool and food. The smell was almost disgusting. As they entered, some of the occupants, mostly vigilantes, and a bunch of villains, looked at them, their eyes falling right on their weapons, some of them immediately turned the head away, some mumbled.

Bravo-Team wasn't known a lot in this illegal world, but seeing guys with guns and almost looking like special ops was always surprising... And scary apparently for some of them.

But Izuku wasn't currently looking at those guys. No, the one who caught his attention, it was him. A man with black long hair, almost looking sleepy, in black clothes, with a sort of grey scarf and yellow googles.

Eraserhead. An underground hero.

The greenette's hand gripped his gun harder... He didn't liked that at all... His eyes then fell on a smaller silhouette sitting on a tabouret, his face hidden by a black hood... He didn't knew who that was. He noticed 1 also tensing when he saw Erazerhead, 5 and 9 looked decontracted at first sight, but they weren't at all.

Eraserhead mumbled something to the hooded guy.


Honnestly, Shota Aizawa had better things to do than be here right now. He could actually be at home with his cats, doing exhausting and boring paperwork for the problem childs, or patrol in the city...

But Nezu wanted him here. Speaking of the UA principle, Aizawa was quite surprised that he had chosen this hole to meet the members of the vigilantes group. For the occasion he had left his clothes to put on entire black clothes, along with a hood that could hide his rat face from the glare of the peoples here.

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