Chapter 31: Do they believe in me now?

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The room was entirely silent... The soft buzzing of the camera screens was the only sound... Everyone seemed shocked or surprised by such a plan...

-He really did that?

Asked Tokoyami, his voice for once sounding other that stern and dark.

-Yes he did...

Responded Hagakure...

After a long moment of silence again, the chair Recovery Girl was sitting in creaked, as the school nurse stood up and walked to the door.

-10 seems to have been wounded. I'll go check on him when he will be brought to the infirmary.

On that, the old woman pulled the handle, opening the door, and left the room...

Then the teachers started to speak with each other at low voice, commenting what just happened and the fight in general.

Some students regrouped with each other, also speaking, but with another subject of importance...

Jiro was still watching the screen where 10 was still laying on the ground, looking at the sky, he was conscious, no doubt. But he didn't moved... as he was waiting for something.

Jiro was torn from her contemplation of the screen when a hand was put on her shoulder.

-You're good?

Asked Ochako.

-Yeah I'm fine.

Responded the bluenette. They were soon both joined by Iida and Tsuyu.

-I am glad he won. And he placed Bakugo above everything else.

Said the class representative, with the last sentence clearly made to taunt those who were hostile to 10.

Jiro sighed.

-But now he will go in the infirmary.

She said as she turned the head to watch the screen again... Bakugo ran up to 10 and crouched near him...



Bakugo didn't finished his sentence as Izuku started to laugh

-I knew you would have that reaction, that's why I didn't explained the plan.

The greenette said. And the explosive blond sat on the rocky ground near him, his hand on his knees.

-You're... Ugh... You're right... But you forced yourself didn't you? I noticed your arm. Looking like a noodle in a swimming pool.

Izuku turned his head and looked at his arm. Not that he was scared to see what happened with it, he just had to avoid movement with it. It was twisted at an unlikely angle. And it was hurting like hell.

-Yeah... I... did... It hurts like hell now.

-Broken arm?

Asked Bakugo, with an obvious anxiousness. But Izuku shook his head. He appreciated his friend worry for his arm. But luckily it wasn't very serious.

-Luckily no. But my elbow dislocated.

It seemed to calm a bit of Bakugo's stress. And that's when heavy steps approached.

-Young Bakugo, 10, I am very impressed by both your teamwork and by your capabilities.

Congratulated All Might. Bakugo mumbled something inaudible for Izuku, while he responded.

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