Chapter 19: Class 1-A

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He haven't expected for the class 1-B to be that... noisy.

He had been bombarded with questions... He had been that happy when Vlad King had gotten him out of the class. His arrival have disturbed them for a written exam. He asked Eraserhead.

-Is your class that noisy?

Eraserhead didn't responded at first, and took a breath.

-Some of them are.

They arrived at the door of the class. And the underground hero turned his head toward him.

-Wait here.

The hero then opened the door and entered, closing behind him... Izuku remained in the corridor, alone. What now?

Izuku strapped his gun he had been holding the whole time, it hadn't bothered anyone for him to hold it. But he guessed it was because he didn't put any magazines in it.

He removed his helmet and balaclava, airing his face a little, peoples couldn't imagine how hot it was in it... Then a voice spoke up.

-You are the vigilante taken as a security. I recognize you. Your that boy...

Dang it.

-What do you want All Might. I don't want to speak with you.

The hero was standing a few steps from him, towering over him with his stature. But for one single f*cking time he didn't arbored that smile of him on his face.

-Listen... I am sorry.

Izuku's remained cold.

-No you are not. You ain't even an inch. I know your mentality. To you heroes. All for fame. I will repeat again. I don't want to speak with you.

The hero, to the greenette surprise, turned on his heels and walked off... Izuku looked at him go... Before he dissapeared, turning at a corridor...

The greenette put his helmet back on... He decided that he would not put his balaclava. Too hot... There was still a problem tho. Bakugo was probably in that class. That would be a problem... Then he heard a voice shouting from inside the room.

-You can come in!

Izuku took a breath, grabbed his gun, opened the door and entered...


No... No f*cking way... It couldn't be him. Right? Right? But his eyes weren't betraying him right now.

So the new person... Was Izuku?

Bakugo's heart felt heavy. From joy, but... Also from sadness, guilt... And... Regret.

He felt guilty about what he did.

He felt regret.

He felt sadness because of the loss of his only close friend.

As the eyes of the greenette flew on them, Bakugo noticed how... cold and indifferent... they were...

The sparks of joy, curiosity and empathy that once lived in his friend's eyes...


He had already noticed that when he last saw him at the house, then when he was showed on the suspects photos. But it was only now that he was noticing what his eyes were expressing.

In the empty green eyes he saw bullets, blood, flashes... Darkness...

A darkness that deep... It was like he didn't have a heart beating in that body, the eyes were expressing that. His body was only an empty shell.

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