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I fiddled with the hem of the neverseens cloak, me and marella walking in silence. It took about 10 minutes of twists and turns before we found the main hall. I signalled to marella to stop and pointed at the guards in front of the door which was found around the corner. I hugged marella and she ran off down the hallway we were just walking through. I blended into the wall, keeping my head down until i got the signal. Suddenly an alarm set off and i could hear the guards running round the corner. "All clear" Marella said into my earpiece. The two guards ran passed me in with intent to put the fire out. I quickly slipped down the hall towards the hall door. I pushed it open loudly my stolen heals clicking loudly on the stone floor. "Apologies for my tardiness my Lady but I had reason to believe this meeting was cancelled!" I said loudly. "Your name" Lady Gisela demanded loudly, standed up from her seat at the far end of the long white table. "Stellar, my lady" I said walking towards her. She hummed trying to see my face but i kept my head lowered. "And how did you get in?" she demanded when i reached her. "I explained to the guards of my reasoning whilst i was helping put out the fire in the left wing. They said they contacted one of the people in the meeting?" It was all going to plan. "Whom was this agent?" she hissed. "I believe they said an agent named charles?" 

"Interesting. And what is your role here Miss Stellar?" 

"Well normally, I'm put on prisoner duty" I edged, trying to get her to click on. "I see, well that is perfect, Charles stand up!" she demanded. Timidly, a figure stood up near the opposite end of the table. "I dont know what she's on about mam!  I never got told anything!" They started conversing and i slipped the round device into her pocket and  quickly grabbed her glass, motioning to gisela so that she would pass the bottle of water to me. Absentmindedly she did so and i took the opportunity to place the small gadget into the water, watching it dissolve. I filled her wine glass and waiting for further instructions. "Miss, stellar was it?" i nodded. "Please escort charles here to the torture chambers and hold him there" I grinned nodding. "Anything for you my lady" 

"Marella, fire on the right corridor" I whispered into my ear piece. I pulled charles up by his collar and tasered him with the weapon sophie had given me. I trusted marella to have distracted the guards, so i went with my guts and pushed the door open. No guards attempted to attack me so i took that the coast was clear, slipping out the door dragging charles behind me. I met Marella outside the door and together we dragged charles back down the corridors. 

"How'd it go?" I asked Marella. "So fun! You should've been there,  just kept re lighting it, they looked so confused and then angry. I couldn't stop giggling." I laughed at the vision.

 When we finally managed to drag charles' fat arse to the cell room. We shoved the door open and threw charles into the first cell and sat waiting for Long to get back as our task took just under 50 minutes.


Secrets. A Sokeefe human AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora