- chapter the fifth -

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I'm back after almost a month, guys!

Season 2 Episode 8

Onyx stretched. She had slept beautifully last night. Cloaker was already awake, sitting on the floor. Onyx grinned, and reached over and scratched his neck.

"Morning, boy."

He purred.

Onyx got out of bed and yawned.

"Let's go see if Hiccup has anything for us."


Onyx was walking along the platform on Hiccup's hut. She was just turning the corner when she heard Astrid's voice.

"-completely insane." She was saying.

"Who's insane?" Onyx asked.

Astrid just sighed.

Hiccup smiled at his sister, and then turned back to Astrid. "Because then there would be two crazy people in this conversation, and we probably wouldn't resolve anything."

Onyx's eyes widened. Bold choice of words.

Astrid stared at him. "Are you saying I'm-"

"Astrid, let me talk to the twins," Hiccup said. "I'll get their side of the story, then we can figure out what we need to do."

Astrid sighed. "I guess it's a start."

Onyx quirked an eyebrow. So this- whatever it was- had to do with the twins. Well, not surprising.

Just then, the twins landed.

Astrid turned to them. "Well, if it isn't our crack security team now."

She threw their helmets at them.

"Oh, please, please. There's no need to shower us with accolades." Tuffnut said.

"Tuff, you left two dummies to protect this entire base," Astrid said. "What were you thinking?"

Onyx was distracted by a Terrible Terror landing on her head. She looked up.

"Terror mail." Hiccup said.

Onyx reached up, and gently grabbed the Terrible Terror, placing it on her shoulder. She took the piece of parchment from its leg, and unraveled it. Hiccup peered over her shoulder. She quickly skimmed through the letter. It was from Johann. He was begging Master Hiccup and Mistress Onyx to help him. He was being attacked by Dragon Hunters.

Onyx and Hiccup exchanged looks.

"Are you following any of this?" Astrid asked Hiccup, after speaking to the twins.

"Not super closely," Hiccup responded. "We're actually reading this. It's from Johann. He's in trouble."


"You are not leaving me with these two muttonheads!" Astrid said, talking about the twins.

"Hey," Onyx said. "I'll be here. I can help you with them."

"They know we're standing right here, right?" Tuffnut asked.

"Look, Johann is surrounded by Dragon Hunters, and his ship is taking on water," Hiccup said. "We have to get out there and help him."

"Then let me saddle up Stormfly," Astrid said. "I'll be there in-"

"Astrid, you and Onyx need to stay here and hold down the Edge," Hiccup said. "And make sure nothing happens to the Dragon Eye."

"I can't believe what's happening," Astrid said. "This actually may be the worst day in history."

Onyx rolled her eyes. Complainer much? Seriously, she loved Astrid, but at times she just wanted to kick her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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