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Season 2 Episode 2


Onyx was normally a half-glass-full kind of girl, but even this was freaking her out. After all, it wasn't like Astrid to stay out all day, let alone during a storm.

Hence the reason they were out in the dark, stormy, rainy night, searching for her. Hiccup had gone South, the twins and Fishlegs had gone West, Snotlout had gone North, and Onyx had gone East.


As she was searching for her friend, Onyx noticed something in the distance. She squinted. Was that...

She gasped. It was Hiccup on Toothless, cradling a pale and wet Astrid in his arms.

"Go Cloaker, go!"


Astrid gasped, and quickly sat up.


"Hey, it's okay, it's okay," Hiccup said, reassuring Astrid. "Just try to relax, Astrid. You've had a tough night."

"No, no, no. No. You don't understand. They were all in cages," Astrid said, clearly panicking. "A-and they have Stormfly!"

"Woah, woah, woah, wait, slow down." Hiccup said. "Cages? What are you talking about? What happened out there?"

Astrid turned away from him. "Dragon Hunters."

Everyone gasped, and Fishlegs whimpered.

"A whole fleet of 'em."

"And... they have Stormfly?" Onyx asked, sitting down next to Astrid.

"Yeah, this big, ugly one. Oh, when I get my hands on him..."

"And welcome back." Fishlegs said.

"Come on, let's mount up!" Astrid said, jumping out of bed and running down the stairs. "Stormfly!"

Then her head popped back up as she remembered her dragon wasn't there.

Hiccup stood up. "You can ride with me."


The dragon riders went back to the beach where Stormfly had been captured in hopes of finding something. However, they weren't having much luck.

"Ugh! There has to be some clues here, somewhere! Something." Astrid said.

"How many cages were there?" Hiccup asked.

"Remember all the cages we saw on the Reaper?"


"Double it."

Onyx shuddered.

"We got nothin." Tuffnut said as the twins walked over.

"Just a bunch of trash," Ruffnut said. "Looks like these dragon hunters are also litter bugs!"

"There should be a penalty or fine for littering," Tuffnut said. "I mean, am I wrong, people?! W-what if everyone were this careless and inconsiderate? What then?"

Astrid and Hiccup gave him a blank look, but Onyx put a hand on his shoulder.

"We're Vikings, Tuff. I'm pretty sure most of us are pretty careless and inconsiderate."

Tuffnut began sobbing. "Oh noooo!"

They were interrupted by a scream from Snotlout.

"OW! Something bit me! I'm allergic to sand crabs! They make my toes fan out! Ow, ow, ow, ow, owwwww!"

Light in the Darkness | Viggo Grimborn (HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now