- prologue -

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WARNING: Talks about giving birth. May be slightly irritating if you are squeamish

Valka sighed contentedly as she looked down at her two newborns. They were perfect. The birth had been agonizing and painful, and long and tedious, in fact, sweat still shined on her brow. But still, her babies were perfect. Sure, they were tiny and scrawny, due to them being premature. But in the eyes of a mother, they were beautiful. Valka couldn't ask for anything more.

The boy had been born first. In fact, the midwife had guessed that he was the reason the babies were premature. Valka smiled. An eager beaver, ready to come into the world. And his younger sister had followed him shortly after.

Stoick had suggested naming the boy Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, after his ancestors. Hiccup was fitting because he was a scrawny, fragile thing. And Horrendous was fitting because Stoick knew he would grow up to be the strongest of them all. Valka agreed.

But, as for the girl, Stoick had decided that Valka should have the honor of choosing their daughter's name. Valka shifted in her bed, finding a more comfortable position. She thought about some names for her girl. Hmm. The girl was now resting peacefully in her arm. She had not so much as sniffled. Hiccup, on the other hand, was very restless and fidgety. There were many girl names meaning peace. Serenity, for example. Perhaps Grace? No. Valka didn't want her daughter to be named something that felt so... so powerless. She wanted her name to mean something.

Valka thought about the birth of the girl. Although Hiccup's birth had been painful, and had set the midwife on edge, it was nothing compared to the girl's birth. The girl had started out feet first, which would most certainly kill her. It took the midwife several tries to turn her head first, and she had been very afraid several times they would lose her. Not to mention how excruciating that part had been, let alone pushing her out.

Valka smiled, grateful her baby had fought so hard to survive. As she looked around the room, her gaze caught on several shiny gems, resting on a small table. Onyx gemstones. Her favorite. A member of the Hofferson clan had brought them, knowing they were Valka's favorite, and told her they should melt them down to make a handle for a sword or axe.

In their ancient language, onyx meant nail, or claw. Valka furrowed her brow, thinking it over. Like a claw, their little girl had grasped onto life and refused to let go. Also, Valka could already tell her girl was going to grow up to be very pretty, (it was a motherly instinct) just like an onyx gemstone.

Valka grinned. She now knew exactly what her little girl would be called.

A/N: So, there was the prologue! How did you like it? Please please please let me know in chat, and also give me some suggestions! I'm just playing this story by ear, so any help would be appreciated. Also please be sure to vote!



Light in the Darkness | Viggo Grimborn (HTTYD)Where stories live. Discover now