- chapter the second -

185 11 18

Onyx blinked. Her head was throbbing.

She heard a familiar voice. "Uh, guys, she's waking up!"

Tuffnut. She opened her eyes fully and tried to sit up.

Astrid rushed to her side. "Woah, easy, Onyx. You hit your head pretty hard."

Then it all came rushing back. Dragon Hunters. Ryker. Getting captured. Cloaker.

Onyx sat up quickly. "Cloaker!"

Astrid put a hand on Onyx's shoulder. "Hey, settle down. It's alright."

"What happened?"

Astrid bit her lip. "Our escape plan didn't work. Ryker saw straight through it."

Onyx collapsed against the wall, defeated. "And Hiccup?"

"He and Snotlout got away. Don't worry. I'm sure they'll come for us."

Then Tuffnut barged into the conversation. "Yeah, and guess who we found is working for-"

Fishlegs clamped a hand over Tuffnut's mouth. "Hey, Onyx just woke up from being knocked out! Wait for her to get her bearings."

Onyx looked confusedly at Astrid. "What are they talking about?"

A change came over Astrid. She looked both sad and mad at once.

"Onyx, we found out that Dagur is working with the Hunters. And not just him, but... Heather too."

Onyx's jaw fell open. Heather? How?

"Wait, what? How is that possible? Last time we saw Heather, she was ready to kill Dagur. And she has a dragon of her own! Are you sure?"

Around her, all of the other Riders sadly nodded their heads.

Astrid balled her hands into fists. "We're sure. She was pretty cocky and smug about it."

Onyx put a hand on her shoulder. "I am so sorry, Astrid."

Astrid shrugged, and stood up. She clearly did not want to show any sign of weakness then.


Ruffnut groaned as she leaned against the wall. "I can't believe it. Who puts loyalty to their brother ahead of loyalty to their friends?" She scoffed. "Right?"

"I heard that, sister." Tuffnut said.

Onyx raised an eyebrow. How ironic.

"The bigger question is who are these Dragon Hunters and what do they want from us?" Astrid asked.

"You're about to find out." A voice said.

They all turned to look at who said it. Onyx's heart clenched. Heather.

The guards opened the door and they walked in. When Heather turned Onyx's way, Onyx looked at her former close friend with hurt eyes, and Heather quickly averted her gaze, walking toward Astrid.

"Ryker wants to have a little chat with you." She said, pushing Astrid forward.

"You're lucky these guards are here, or I'd take your head off." Astrid said as they walked out.

They heard Heather laugh, but couldn't make out her response. Onyx sighed, worried for Astrid.


Onyx paced around the cell as she waited for Astrid. A whole night had gone by. At least, she assumed so, as she had no way of telling time.

Then they all heard boots walking. A man opened the door to the cell, thoroughly scaring Fishlegs. And next to him, Astrid. He pushed her into the cell.

Light in the Darkness | Viggo Grimborn (HTTYD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon