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Luz Noceda was 19 years old when she met Amity Blight.

She got up and left her house, appreciative of the decent weather, which allowed her to wear a cream-colored blouse underneath her warm brown overalls; perfect for the nearby pond, where she was headed.

Luz walked that morning, carrying a book under her arm. She walked down the stone path, underneath the looming trees, and past the baby pink flowers which adorned the ground. She was grateful to live in such an area, although it did get lonely at times. Of course, she had her friends, Willow and Gus, but they lived on the other side of the woods. She wished to have a roommate, as the two of them seemed so bonded. Perhaps she would earn a close friend for herself someday.

She arrived at the large pond surrounded by reeds and cattails, which was inhabited by a few families of ducks. A weeping willow tree loomed overhead, and she sat herself down on the singular bench underneath it, opening up her copy of The Good Witch Azura. The book had always brought peace and joy to her, which made it her favorite.

Of course, the gaps of sunlight–which shone on the pages of her book–felt heavenly on their own, but it was what happened next that really took Luz's breath away. Even with the clouds in the sky, the soft ripples of the water, and the sweet smell of flowers, this was the most divine experience which stood out from it all. It was as if an angel had heard Luz's longing for company, and had come to aid her.

An angel was what she was, certainly.

She did seem to glow as she walked. This could have just been the rays of sunlight which seemed to exist only for her, though Luz knew this wasn't true. The lavender hue of her hair contrasted the dark brown of Luz's, as did her eyes, which were the color of honey and lemon sweets. Luz sat there in awe, not realizing that this girl was headed her way.

"Ah–um, hello!" Said the unfamiliar girl.

"Oh, hi!" Luz managed to squeak out. "You can, uh... sit here, if you want."

She walked over to the bench and seated herself beside Luz. She carried a small pink bag with her, and poured some of its contents onto her hand. Luz recognized it to be duck food.

The strange girl tossed a few pieces into the pond, and smiled as the ducks fumbled for it. This smile was contagious, and brought a grin to Luz's face as well.

"Are you just visiting, or do you live here?" Luz asked her.

"I just moved in, my house is that way," the girl replied, pointing a finger in the opposite direction of Luz's house.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I saw an empty house over there a while back! That's so cool!" Luz exclaimed. "I'm Luz, by the way. Luz Noceda."

"Amity Blight," the other girl introduced herself.

Amity. What a pretty name, Luz thought.

"Do you want some?" Amity asked, holding up the small bag of duck food.

"Oh, sure! Thank you," Luz replied, extending a cupped hand.

Amity poured some into Luz's hand. Luz could feel those golden eyes on her as she tossed it into the water, causing the ducks to squawk eagerly. They both laughed at the reaction, and Luz brushed her hand off on her pants.

"What book is that?" Amity asked, gesturing to the book in Luz's hands.

Luz held it up, revealing the title and cover. "The Good Witch Azura! My favorite series."

"You know The Good Witch Azura?" Amity gasped.

"Know it? I have every poster of it in existence!" Luz exclaimed.

"It's my favorite, too! I've never met another Azura fan!" Amity grinned.

"Wait, who's your favorite character?" Luz asked excitedly.

"Hecate, of course!" Amity held out the lunar pendant which was chained on her neck.

"No way, I didn't even notice that! That's so cool!" Luz waved her hands in excitement.

"It's so nice to meet another Azura fan, I must have really hit the jackpot with you as my neighbor." Amity laughed.

Before Luz could respond, a small, hazelnut-colored rabbit approached Amity and nuzzled her ankle. She let out a small gasp.

"You can probably pet him! The bunnies are real nice here. The ducks, not so much," Luz said.

Amity slowly reached a hand down to pet the rabbit. She gently stroked between its drooped ears.

"Awh, you're a sweetheart, aren't you?" Amity spoke to the rabbit at her feet.

Luz caught herself staring, though not before Amity did. She only turned away when the girl looked back and caught her eyes, giving her a warm smile. Luz blushed out of embarrassment and closed her mouth, which she did not realize had been slightly parted.

"I think he likes you," she said, trying to break the silence.

Amity laughed, bringing butterflies to Luz's stomach. It made Luz happy to see others happy.

Amity sat up as the rabbit scampered away, turning to look back at Luz. "I should get home, I've still got a lot of stuff to unpack."

"Ah, the pain of moving. I can help, if you'd like me to," Luz offered.

"I can't make you do that!" Amity smiled and shook her head, "But I'll make sure to stop by, okay?"

"Looking forward to it!" Luz said.

Once Amity had walked away, Luz had begun to read The Good Witch Azura. However, she could hardly focus on her book, as she'd just experienced something which hadn't happened to her in years. She had finally acquired a new friend, and one who loved her favorite book series, at that. She could hardly contain her excitement for what was to come.


Luz arrived at home and caught a glance at the photos hung on her wall. There was one of her with Eda and King, and another of her with Camila, her mother. She missed them dearly, and often visited them in the summer. However, summer was ending by that point, which made it more difficult for her to see them. King did have to attend school, after all.

She went upstairs and got ready to sleep. She put her hair up and brushed her teeth, finalizing this with some duck-themed pajamas. When she arrived at her room, she fed her two pet mice, Echo and Akko.

When she finally made it to her bed, she was displeased to realize that she could not find sleep. The events of that day had been far too extraordinary, with the arrival of Amity Blight. The way that the gaze of Amity's golden eyes would seep into hers made her feel a way which she could not describe.

She soon realized that she could use this to her advantage, and she knew that she needed rest. She would probably have to kick herself in the morning, but at that moment, she decided to picture the girl's divine figure, which calmed her enough to find sleep.


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PICSART: @deathofjules

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tfw you wanna write but you're constantly getting your feelings hurt so you can't write without making the characters sad as well 😒

i have no idea when the next chapter will come out so bear with me y'all

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