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from a whisper to a scream

I was late for work this morning and as soon as I get my scrubs on I get paged. Once I got my yellow cover on I ran into the ER. I made it just in time to not get stuck in SCUT.

"Grey, trauma room 1. Yang, man that stretcher. Karev trauma two. Allen, come with me." Bailey assigned talking very fast. I just followed her as she told me to.

I stood back as she talked to an older woman. Who I assumed was the older man's on the stretchers wife.

I zoned out and didn't realize that Bailey left to take the older man to radiology. I was just standing there being a useless waste of space when I saw a lady not much older than me walk in all bloody. The blood was coming from the top of her head. "Ma'am? Ma'am?" I called out to her as I pushed through the crowd of nurses and doctors to reach her.

"I need a stretcher over here!" I shouted as I finally reached the woman. I didn't know it but Addison Montgomery was following me, she must've noticed the lady as well.

"I think I might be parked in a red zone." The woman let out in faint voice right before she fainted in my arms.

"I need a stretcher please!" I repeated louder than the first time so someone would bring me a fucking stretcher so I wouldn't have to hold a bloody lady any longer.

We took the lady to a trauma room. I was placed on her case with Sloan but Addison was also here. I might have a bit of fun today.

"Those are some nice cuts. Probably painful but nice." I exclaimed as I checked out the lady's cut as I carefully removed the glass from them.

"I flew through a window. I flew." The lady told me while slightly turning her face to look at me.

"Allen." That's Dr Montgomery had to say to get me to stop talking. I'll do anything to get back on her service.

"Stop man-handling my interns. That's my job." Sloan told Addison as he walked over to us while putting his gloves on.

"Can you tell me your name?" Addison questioned.

"Janelle Duco." Janelle uttered staring at Mark like he was just the best looking guy she had ever seen. It's definitely just the drugs.

"Janelle, what do you do for a living?" Montgomery asked standing back and letting Mark do what he has to do.

"I sell vegetables at the fish market." Janelle answered as she still had all the blood all over her body. The least the nurses could do is wash her off.

"Janelle, honey, can I get you anything? Some food maybe?" Mrs. Dickerson came out of nowhere probably just trying to bride Janelle so she doesn't sue the fuck out of her and her husband.

"Mrs. Dickerson is that you?"

"Mrs. Dickerson, I'm sorry. You can't be here right now." Addison told the much older lady in a louder tone.

"Larry's a good driver. The car went crazy. Janelle if you need anything, I'll be right over here." Mrs. Dickerson defended her husband which sounded crazy. I heard the car was old but so was the driver. I doubt the car went crazy.

"She's my best customer." Janelle told us but everyone ignored it.

"I just want to make sure she's okay. You got it from here?" Addison asked in Mark's ear.

"They don't call me doctor for nothing." Sloan mumbled as I began stitching Janelle's cut up after removing all the glass.

"Mr. Dickerson is such a nice man. I hope he didn't kill my baby." Janelle let out right as Addison left. Mark and so both stopped what we were doing and looked at each other.

"Addison! She's pregnant." Mark called Addison back over here.

"I need an ultrasound. How far along are you?" Addison asked after she immediately came back ready to take control of this case.

"10 weeks. Ow!" Janelle shouted as I tied the first stitch.

"Sorry." I apologized without even looking up.

"There's glass in there Allen, try a lighter touch." Dr Sloan ridiculed me but if he was paying any attention he would know I removed the glass before stitching.

"The doctor...he's a hot men. He's really hot. He is right? It's not just cause I'm wearing a plate-glass window?" Janelle looked up at Mark then looked at me to answer her question.

"Nope, you're right. He's man candy." I uttered giving Mark a look after he smirked at me.

"Good. Okay that is nasty." Janelle said as she started coughing up blood.

"Her SAT's are in the 80's. I've got to get her oxygen. And I'm going to need a portable chest STAT!" Addison yelled at a nearby nurse.

"I love the bossing. Boss more." Mark flirted with Addison right in front of the patient, I think he must've forgot to flip the patient switch. I pretended to throw up making Janelle chuckle.

I took Janelle to go get scans, and when I came back Alex was now helping. He took over for removing the glass from the cuts.

"Is every male doctor here hot? He's hot too right?" Janelle lightly grabbed my yellow cover to show me that she is asking me once again to answer her question.

"Yes. Dr. Karev is also hot." I mumbled and rolled my eyes at Alex who smirked at me just like Mark did when I confirmed he was infact hot. Great I have told a patient that two doctors are infact hot today.

950 words
"goodness your bleeding"

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