Chapter 22

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Narrator PoV

After Shiroi blew up the sanctuary, mostly for fun...but also out of anger at the baldy. Something changed between Shadow Garden and the Princess as well. 

After the two princesses and Natsume escape the sanctuary with the help of Shadow Garden. 

The three found themselves in a forest early in the morning. 

After spending the whole night in the sanctuary, they decide to rest in the forest and eat bear meat.

They got the bear meats from the bear that tried to eat them after they ended up in the forest. Luckily, Beta or Natsume kills it with her perfect shoulder throw.

The two princesses are naturally surprised by Natsume's action. Especially Alexia since she thought nothing of Natsume as a deadweight.

Natsume simply told them a lie that she was learning self-defense for such cases. 

Not really against bears, but more against her male fan.

The three of them sit around the fire pit and roast the bear meats. The meat sizzles beautifully and exudes a strong, savory and rich flavor.

''It feels like it's all a strange dream...'' Alexia says this while looking at the fireplace with a distant look. 

Alexia is still thinking about everything she hears from Alpha and Nelson in the sanctuary. She organizes the information and continues to think about what to do with all of this information. 

About the cult, Shadow Garden, Olivier, demon possession, Diabolos and so on.

''Yes, we were supposed to be inside the sanctuary, but then we found ourselves in this forest and saw a huge black and white pillar with wings... and we almost became bear snacks.''

So says Rose as she looks at Natsume grateful that she was able to react so quickly, as she was truly surprised to see that one of her favorite authors could do such a perfect shoulder throw.

''Luckily, this shoulder throw solved the problem as the bear's head landed on the ground first, killing the bear instantly. Although bear meat is hard to chew.'' 

This wasn't luck at all as the shoulder throw was done at a perfect angle and it takes a lot of skill to do a shoulder throw like that.

But of course, since hand-to-hand combat is still underdeveloped in this world, the two princesses couldn't tell the difference.

Alexia bites into the bear meat and chews.


''Hey. Aren't you two angry?'' 

Alexia caught both girls' attention.

''What about?'' Rose asked her sincerely, not really knowing what she meant.

''All we could do was watch as things unfolded in the sanctuary.''

When Alexia said that, she got Rose's full attention while Natsume just feigned interest. 

''We lacked not only power, but also knowledge and information. I feel like if we stay so ignorant, one day we will be deprived of something or someone important to us.''

Rose thought about Alexia's words and then knew what she meant.

The Diabolos Cult has power and influence, she doesn't know to what extent, but she knows for sure that they can take over the kingdom with a snap of they fingers if they really wants to.

Both princesses didn't want to imagine their kingdom, their people and their loved ones being robbed by the cult. 

''True... since the terrorist attack on the Academy, it's obvious that something is going on behind the scenes... Both Shadow Garden and the organization they face are still shrouded in mystery...''

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