She paired the outfit with some UGG boots and walked back out into the kitchen holding her camera. Jungkook was wrapping up the live and spouting goodbyes.

"I'll go live again soon, I promise." He smiled by turning it off. "How was work?" Jungkook asked turning off his phone and getting up from the dining table.

"So tiring, I had to be in the ER today and I felt like ripping my hair out the entire time. But umh, Dr. Park told me that I have to start my subspecialty training next week so that's good."

"I chose paediatrics."

Jungkook smiled and walked over to Nari bringing her into a hug. "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," she muttered against his chest. "Now come on, we going to be late for filming." Nari looked up before reaching up to kiss his lips.

Jungkook reached for the camera in Nari's hand and started recording her. "What are we doing?" He asked.

"We're filming!" Nari exclaimed with jazz hands.

"What are we filming?"

"Standing next to you music video! I'm going to be gracing Jungkook with my ethereal looks and presence. I know, I know, you're probably thinking, 'Nari, aren't you supposed to be accepting your Honorary Oscar?'"

"But Make a wish called and said it would be a twenty four year old male's dream if I could just appear in his music video, and I had to just accept." Nari dramatised playing with her now blonde hair.

"Oh my god." Jungkook breathed out shaking his head as he bit his lip to try and suppress a smile. "One of these days you're going to convince everyone that you're insane."

"I'm pretty sure Taehyung already thinks I am. Who do you think gave me the idea to slowly drain your bank account." Nari looked up at him with a teasing look. "I'm convinced you're going to leave me for dead and run off into the sunset with him." Jungkook joked.

Nari gasped and faked a look of shock, "How did you know."

A few moments passed before the two broke out into a fit of laughter. "I need to stop with the gold digger jokes. When this gets out, people might actually think I'm being for real."

"Good idea."


"Okay, so just strut down the tunnel and turn back at the end. After that we'll get some headshots in." The director told Nari who had a hairstylist run up to her to fix a loose strand of hair.

She nodded and gave Jungkook a thumbs up. He was by the cameras and gave her one back. The stylist quickly ran out of view and Nari turned to look away from the camera.

She shoved her hands into the pockets of her coat and walked down the tunnel hoping she wouldn't trip on the five inch stilettos she had on before turning to look into the distance.


"Okay now, let's get in some headshots." The director clapped his hands together gesturing to the camera man.

After filming the tunnel scene with Jungkook, Nari changed into a white dress while he changed into a black three piece suit.

"You have to appear obsessed me? Like you don't do that everyday of your life." Nari said making the director laugh. "It's going to be easy then, all in a days work." Jungkook gave Nari a toothy grin.

"What if i just lean in and kiss her?" He turned to look at the director. "Getting impatient huh? We're saving the best for last." The older man amused stepping backwards to get out of the way.

The song started playing loudly in the background and Jungkook sang to Nari while she looked at him intensely.

He brought up a hand to trace the side of her face and before running his hand through her hair.


"These heels are really comfortable, wow." Nari turned to look at her stylist. "Can't believe I slept on Jimmy Choos."

"Now onto Jungkook's most anticipated scene then we'll move onto Nari's solo scenes. How do you guys stay so serious?" The director asked walking closer to the two. "I honestly do not know, we can never take each other seriously." Jungkook answered.

"True, maybe it's because we both have a deep rooted thing on wanting to please everyone around us."

"Woah Mrs. Therapist."

Jungkook's breathy tone made everyone on set chuckle and Nari rolled her eyes at him.

When it came to filming their last scene together, Jungkook practically begged the director to put in a kiss scene. "So I just walk towards him and we kiss?" Nari asked and got a nod in return.

They were now in a different set, one that resembled a theatre.

The song played in the background and their eye contact unmoving as she walked to him, the sound of her stilettos echoing despite of the music.

She stopped in front of him and he slightly leaned down to connect their lips because even though she wore 5 inch heels, she was still somewhat shorter than him.

When the director was please with the length of the kiss, he yell cut and the two pulled away with smiles on their faces. "Was it good?" Nari asked. "It was perfect!" The director gave them a smile.

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Liked by M.atthew95, AlexDiaz and 2 465 586 others
NariKim filming after a midnight shift most certainly was not the best idea and omg I look so young in the first picture
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NariKim these photos were taken at different stages of the you can clearly tell my hair and makeup looks different and I look faded in the second pic. That's just because I haven't slept today
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The filming location of the mv obviously had to change so let's pretend it's some place in Seoul and I moved the release date of snty...anything you guys would like to see?

I made a mistake so i needed to fix it real quick

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