Anese looked up at Minnow as he poked his foot into Pela's ribs; she swatted his foot away, "Who do you believe Lucan to be?"

Minnow smiled sideways, and his left hand responded, "Oohhhhh, you don't know? Of course you don't, why would you?"

His right hand pecked at the left, "Shut your mouth. If she doesn't know, then she isn't privy to the information we are."

She was so confused watching the charade, "We? Are you...are you ok? Like, mentally? Are you all there?"

Minnow laughed from his belly, his chubby jaw and second chin shaking with the action. His laughter cut off abruptly as he cracked his neck to the side.

"We are just fine, and if your mouth doesn't watch the words flowing from it, then we will do as Hyrule did. Is it another black eye you want?"

She wanted to crawl inside of herself and be rid of this monster. Her eyes tried to betray her with tears, but she held them back. She had to be careful with this man because there definitely was something not ok with him.

" sir." She managed to squeak out.

He sat heavily on the pillowed cot behind her and stared at Pela.

"Oh, she is a special one, indeed." His left hand said.

Anese tried to hold back her terrified shakes and dreaded every moment alone with Minnow. She hated how he felt and how his sanity seemed to waver with every word. Even Lucan, who she knew to be slightly mad, was not even as unnerving as this man. Her senses were heightened due to the fear, and she could feel him staring at her from behind, but she refused to turn around and meet his wild gaze. Suddenly, the tent flaps opened as Commander Hyrule entered. Snow had gathered on his shoulders, and she could see the falling flakes outside, white specks on a black night sky canvas. Her body loosened and she realized her muscles had drawn taught by Minnow's presence.

"My Lord, the ring is ready, and the men await the games. Shall I grab the prisoners?" Hyrule said as he snapped a salute.

Minnow smiled, reached down, and put a hand on Anese's shoulder, immediately bringing back the tension.

"Ah, yes. I think it is time, though first, I would like you to take this little one to her holding chamber. I assume my throne is ready as well?" He replied.

Hyrule nodded, "Yes, my Lord. It has been built and is ready for you. I shall take her immediately and then commence with the gathering of the two."

"Such a good soldier.  I will take care of this...Pela. Off you go then." Minnow said dismissively as he pushed Anese toward Hyrule.

He bent down, helped her to her feet, and produced a  purple linen cloth blindfold, "Put this on, child. Then I shall take you to the chamber."

She eyed the cloth, and her eyes finally betrayed her as large tears formed and fell down her cheeks. She reached out with trembling hands, slid the fabric over her eyes, and felt Commander Hyrule's hand clasp her arm and lead her outside the tent. The wind whipped and tore at her thin clothing as the cold assaulted her every inch. Where was the holding chamber, and what was the ring? Was that where she was being led to?

"What is...what is going to happen to me?" She asked meekly, struggling to walk in the snow.

"You're either going to live through the nightmare or be consumed by it." Commander Hyrule said.

It came across so callous; what was wrong with this army? How could they so mindlessly follow their leader, who was obviously not well? Tears continued to flow down her cheeks in warm streaks against the icy wind.

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