Chapter Twenty-nine

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The next day, the five of us waited for the bus to come bring us to school. Cartman had no idea what had happened between Kyle and Heidi. It sort of made me smile, like our own personal revenge for everything Cartman has done, aside from the fact that I really was happy for my friend. 

The only thing that was a bit off for Cartman, however, was Kyle's seemingly all-of-a-sudden happiness. 

Kyle stood there, randomly smiling at certain times, as if he was remembering Heidi's facial expressions when he asked her out. 

"What are you so happy about, Jew?" Cartman asked.

Without noticing, Kyle simply said "What? A guy can't be happy?" 

Cartman raised his eyebrows in response. "You happy about that Jew gold you've been hiding?" 

Kyle didn't reply this time, he didn't seem to care. I laughed to myself. I guess while he was still in the honeymoon phase, Cartman couldn't effect him at all. 

Kyle told us that he told Stan about what happened just a few hours after, because he stood there, giggling with Kenny and I. 

Cartman eventually became pissed off that Kyle wouldn't give him any reaction, and he went home. 

"Oh, he'll be back for lunch." Stan said. 

I laughed, just as the bus driver approached. 

Kenny sat next to me on the way to school, he held my hand as I rested my head on his shoulder all the way there. 

Ah yes school, the place of fights and homeless people playing in our yard. 



After my first few classes of the day, we finally had lunch. As per usual, our little group sat together, except now, half of us were dating. It was me and Kenny, Stan and Wendy, Tweek and Craig and Heidi and Kyle. Some others were here too, like Bebe, Scott, Red and Butters. 

Cartman hadn't arrived yet. 

Heidi and Kyle weren't hiding at all. The two of them were finally able to show their feelings for one another. Kyle didn't care to hide anymore.  As of right now, everyone was happy. 

As Kyle kissed Heidi, we heard a gasp from the doors just behind us. 

There stood Cartman, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. 

"What's this?" He asked, almost maliciously. 

He began to approach us, then I stood up. 

"Enough, Cartman." I said, my voice steady. "It's over." 

He gave me a disgusted look. "Shut up bitch." He said, causing Kenny to whip his head around. 

"Y/n has nothing to do with this." Kenny said. He was already exhausted from Cartman, he didn't want to have to do anything twice. Still, he would if it came down to it. 

Cartman ignored him. Despite the fact that I did indeed have everything to do with this, for now all Cartman wanted was an explanation. 

"What happened to the bro code, bro?" He asked Kyle, who was putting his hands up in an attempt to ease him. 

"You weren't gonna stop me forever, Cartman. I've liked her all these years and you knew it too." Kyle replied. 

Cartman raised his eyebrows. "Okay, Kyle. Okay." He then walked away. 

We all exchanged looks of confusion. "That's it?" Stan asked. 

"There's not a shot that's it." Kyle said aloud. 

I watched Heidi as she clung to Kyle's arm. I knew as well as the others that wasn't it. It was just some weird intimidation tactic that he was using to try and scare Kyle or to even make him look like a bad friend. However, not one person thought Kyle was a bad friend for this, and frankly I'm not even sure why they waited so long. Regardless, we all got back to eating pretty quickly. 

"It's fine, babe." I heard Kyle whisper to Heidi. 


Just before next period, I told Kenny I would be right back, and I went to the restroom. As I was washing my hands, I heard the door slam and lock. 

I looked over to find Cartman. 

I stared at him blankly. "What do you want now, fatass." I said. 

"I wouldn't talk that way when it's just me and you in here. Pretty fucked up y/n. It's fucked up what Kyle did." 

I shook my head. "I don't care. Kyle has every right to date who he wants. You've just been holding it over his head as some form of justice for yourself. He doesn't care and neither does anyone else." 

"Who's idea was it?" He asked me. 

"Nobody's." I say. 

"Okay, let's take a different route on getting my questions answered." He said, opening the door to two older men holding bats. They both wore ripped clothes and looked terrible, as if Cartman had found them in the park shooting heroin or something. I wondered how he had gotten them inside in the first place. 

"Okay guys, calm down." I said, putting my hands up as three of them backed me into a corner. 

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