Chapter Twenty-eight

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"I don't think we even need a plan." Kenny said. "You like her, ask her out." 

Kyle rolled his eyes. "Okay Mr. Loverman, since you know all about relationships now, you should know I don't want to simply ask her out. I want to make sure she knows Cartman can't hurt her. I want her to know that I'm always going to protect her." 

I smiled, watching Kyle talk as his cheeks turned pink. "Kyle." I said. "That's perfect. Tell her that." 

"It's not enough!" He exclaimed. I shot him a look of confusion. "If it isn't enough, then why was it enough for me?" I asked. "I was afraid of any close relationship with Kenny. It took until I truly saw him to accept that I had feelings for him and he felt the same for me." 

Kyle considered this as Kenny put his arm around me. We both knew what it meant for me to really understand him without speaking a word. 

Kenny and I both wanted Kyle to do what his heart really wanted, which was to be with Heidi. Cartman's whole bro-code thing didn't even make sense given who he is and what he does. 

Kyle, still considering our words, looked hesistant. Yet, he began to talk. "Okay, fuck him. I'm gonna do it what want." He exclaimed, his words growing more and more powerful. "If that fatass wants to do anything about it, he can try." He said. 

Kenny gave him a "Woo-hoo" and threw his fist in the air to root Kyle on. 

Kyle nodded confidently. "I'm gonna do this." He said, immediately getting up to leave.

Kenny and I chase after him. "Now?" Kenny asks. Kyle nods in response. 

We follow as Kyle walks to the store across the street, picking up a bunch of roses. Then, Kyle begins to walk right up to Heidi's house. 

"Wow. He really meant now." Kenny said. 

"Yeah, where were my roses?" I joke, resulting in Kenny simply raising his eyebrows at me and then kissing me. 

As Kyle knocks on the door of Heidi's house, we hide just behind the stairs, just out of her view. "Kyle?" I hear her voice softly say. "What's up?" She says, pretending not to notice the flowers, just as I would've expected. 

"Heidi, we shouldn't have to do this anymore. I don't want to let that fatass come between us. He doesn't care about this- he just cares about making me unhappy, and I'm unhappy without you." He explained, holding up the flowers.

At Kyle's last sentence, Kenny began to silently clap his hands, giving a nod of approval that only I could see.  "That's my boy." He whispered. I merely rolled my eyes. 

Kyle continued on. "I like you, I like you in ways I couldn't even try to explain. It's been years of feeling this way, and no one else could've ever made me change my mind or made me feel any different. You're the only one I see." Kyle voice shook very slightly, however he masked it well with confidence. He then altered the last sentence a bit. "You're the only one I feel." He said. 

I got a glance of Heidi. She was holding both her hands over her heart as Kyle still held the flowers. She was endeared. Kyle then passed the roses to her and his hand lingered over hers. 

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He asked, the hope glistening through his eyes. He had been waiting years to hear those words. 

Heidi smiled. "Oh of course I will." She pulled him in by his shirt and kissed him. I watched as Kyle's face turned as red as a tomato. 

Kenny, who wanted to act non-chalant, once again gave his nod of approval. 

Once they pulled away from the kiss, Heidi explained that she had to go shopping with her mom and asked Kyle if he wanted to hang out later. 

"Yeah, of course. No problem." Kyle responded, his face still red. 

"Okay." Heidi was still smiling as she shut the door. "See you later babe." She said. 

Kyle stood there for a second, still shocked. He came downstairs to meet us once again. 

"I can't believe that happened." He told us. 

Kenny put his arm around Kyle as we began to walk. "I'm impressed." He said. "Where'd you learn all that?" 

Kyle, who was too happy to make any joke, just said. "From the best" and gave Kenny a loving punch of the chest. 

"See Kyle," I said "You have to always do everything you want to do." 

He looked over at me and gave me a huge hug. 

"Thank you so much for everything y/n." 

I nodded my head. 

"Of course". 

Although I do have to say, I wonder what would happen tomorrow at school. 

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