Chapter Twenty-five

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Kenny and I got ready for school together in the morning. I helped Karen get ready as much as I could. It was easy to tell that Kenny was relieved by this, I noticed that he smiled and took a deep breath as he sat and ate his poptart. 

As Karen was only six years old, she had to go to first grade. There was a different bus stop close to Kenny's house that brought her to school. We walked her there. "See you later Karen." Kenny said, hugging her. I did the same after him, then we walked to our normal bus stop. 

As we arrived, we saw the normal three standing there. Cartman was back again as if nothing happened. This pissed me off but the others seemed used to it. 

"Oh heeeeyyyyy y/n." Cartman said as we stood at the bus stop. 

"Hello Cartman." I replied, flat-toned. 

"Someone's on her period." He mumbled. Everyone chose to ignore this and ater a few moments of silence, Kyle began to lead the conversation somewhere else. 

"We should all take a trip together." He said. "The five of us, Wendy and Heidi." 

I put my hand to my ear as if I couldn't hear what he said. "I'm sorry, did you say Heidi?" 

"Yeah." He nervously laughed and turned a bit red.  

"I like that idea." The boys agreed except Cartman. 

"Of course, everyone and their girlfriends. Not to mention one of them is MY EX." He said.

Kenny rolled his eyes and proceeded to stick up for his friend. "Not like you've ever been loyal to your friends before." 

"Oh fuck off Kenny. You just want to go so you can put it in y/n." Cartman replied. 

"Dude shut the fuck up!" Kenny tried to sound calm but failed.

This made Cartman happy. "It's okay Kenny, she'll be off her period soon." 

"Come on dude." Stan said, trying to get Cartman to chill out. 

"Don't talk about my girlfriend." Kenny said. He was now just staring straight ahead. 

Cartman laughed a bit. "Why would you even date a... well, to use Clyde's words... a slut? Just an honest question Kenny." 

"Dude. What the fuck." Kyle said as Kenny came up to Cartman and grabbed him by the collar. "I will fuck you up. We're not on good terms Cartman. She's my girlfriend and I love her, so you better shut the fuck up." 

This quiet Cartman down. Kenny came back to my side, and now I was smiling. He loves me. We've never said that before. I looked at him, taking his hand. "What?" I ask. 

"What?" He replies. 

"You love me?" 

He turns red and pauses, looking back at me. "Yeah, yeah y/n. I do. I love you." 

The others are watching us now, but I don't care. I wrap my hands are around his neck and kiss him. "I love you too." 

He holds my waist in response to where my hands were. "You're mine." He whispers in my ear, causing a shiver to go down my spine. 

"Awwwwwwww." I hear Stan's voice. "How cute." 

Kenny turns to look at him with a smile on his face. 

"Dude, we really never thought you'd get to this point." Kyle says. 

Kenny laughs. "If only you knew the half of it." He winks at me. 

"Look what he got me." I show Stan and Kyle my wrist. Their eyes widen in shock. "Kenny? Bought you this?" 

I nod. 

They pause. "How?" Stan says. 

Kenny punches him in the shoulder. "I mean, it's very beautiful." Stan corrects himself. 

"Dude, you really love her." Kyle says, aware of how much this must have cost him. 

"I do." He said. "She's gonna have my kids one day." 

I stare up and him. "I will kill you." 

Kenny throws his hands up defensively. "Just saying." 

Soon, the bus arrives, and we all go to school. 

Things were good with the others now, but still, Kenny was still pissed at Cartman. Clyde too I think. He had every reason to feel that way. I just hoped it would eventually die down. I loved that Kenny could defend me when it was necessary, but I didn't want it to have to happen. Especially not with people he considered friends. I decided that if someone else would have something to say, I would handle it myself. 

I had class with Kyle today, this period, so we were walking together. We both saw Clyde, however none of us said anything to each other. Kyle and I continued talking as if it were nothing. 

"What do you think about this? Do you think you'll all be friends again?" I asked Kyle once I was sure Clyde was gone.

"I hope so, but Kenny's never cared about a girl like this before, I don't think he'll be so easy to forgive Clyde." He responded. 

I nodded, taking this in. I don't even know if I wanted them to be friends after what he said about me. Honestly, I think I just didn't want to be the one to blame for a friendship ending. Not a big deal though. 

"You're like a little sister to me." Kyle added. "I honestly don't even know if I want Clyde around us anymore. That was fucked up." 

I paused until we arrived at our class. "Kyle, do you actually have feelings for Heidi?" I said with a low tone to keep others from hearing. 

He smiled, then his smile faded to sadness. "Yeah. I do." He said. 

We took our seats just as the lesson started. 

Now | Kenny McCormick x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora