Chapter Seven

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Once our skates are on, he steps onto the lake before I do. In an attempt to show me what he can do, he skates around the whole rink and right back to me as fast as he can. 

"Kenny, there is absolutely no way." I say, hesitantly stepping on the ice. 

He takes my hands. "Come on, you don't have to do exactly that." 

Then, still holding my hands, he pulls me onto the ice. 

I slip a little bit. For a short time, he guides me. I feel my heart pound as he leads the way. I was scared of falling. I don't know why. 

For a second, I feel like I got the hang of it. 

"Okay, I got it now. I don't need you anymore." I joke, expecting him to laugh along. 

"Oh really?" He lets go of my hands and skates to the other side of the ice. 

"Okay, okay I need you!" I yell as I begin to fall. 

Before I do, I feel a cold pair of hands around my waist from behind me. This feeling makes me sharply inhale, I wasn't expecting that from him but I don't say anything about it. 

"I'm glad to hear you say that." He says, now skating to my front and leading me with his hands again. 

"You know what I meant Kenny." I remark. 

It takes me around two hours to actually get the hang of it, then we decide to go back to town. 

We get off the rink. 

I quickly sat on a bench and took off my skates. Then, I stood up and turned to leave, not realizing how close Kenny was to me. 

Now, we were standing there with our faces the closest they have ever been. 

"Looks like fate brought us here." He says, smirking. 

"Very funny." I whisper, clearly entranced by this moment. 

Kenny starts to lean in to kiss me, but before he can I turn my head. 

"Kenny, you're a player. This can't happen." I say, still facing him but not meeting his eyes. 

For a moment, he is silent. I wondered what he was thinking about. 

"No problem" is all he says, much to my surprise. 

Then, he kisses me on my forehead and quickly changes the topic. 

"Where do you want to go?" He asks, his voice had a low tone that he was clearly trying to mask. 

"The boys should be at lunch now, let's try to get them to come out." I say. 

As we walk back to the school, I feel a sinking feeling in my heart. I knew I did the right thing, I was protecting myself. However, it felt so cold without him. 

When we were just us, it was like fire was igniting and sparks were flying. 

But I just couldn't trust him in the way I was supposed to in order to be any closer with him. It hurt me deep down, but I knew I needed to ignore it. 

So I did. 

*Kenny's POV*

She rejected me. I hadn't gotten through to her at all. 

As we walked back to the school, I felt an ache in my heart. 

If this had happened to me before, I wouldv've just gone to the next girl as if it was nothing.

But it was something this time. 

I didn't want  to go with any other girl. I want to be with only y/n. 

This feeling was all new to me. I never cared for a girl in that way before. 

Now here I was, wishing that we kissed back there. 

When we get to the school, I show y/n the back entrance so we can get to the cafeteria without the boys seeing us. 

"How sneaky!" She says, laughing. 

I felt my heart beat faster watching her laugh. 

We meet the boys with Wendy and Heidi. 

"Where have you two been?" Kyle asked. 

"Ice skating." I reply. 

"You skipped and didn't tell us?" Stan asked, I guess he didn't want to be in school today.

"Exactly." Y/n smiles. 

"Look at her hair it's all messed up." Cartman said. "You know what that means." 

Kyle defended us. "Oh shut up Cartman how would you even know?"

He looks at Kyle. "Screw you guys, I'm going to class." He leaves

 I ask everyone else if they want to skip the rest of the day. 

"I have a test next period." Says Wendy. 

Kyle, Heidi and Stan all agree to come out. We go back the way we came. 

*Y/n's POV*

We go to the pizza shop just a few blocks away. 

As we're sitting and eating, Heidi and Kyle and getting really, really close. I knew they were both single but damn. I didn't know they liked each other. 

"Are you guys a thing?" I ask. 

Everyone looks at me dumbfounded and Heidi turns red. 

"No, we aren't." She says. 

"Oh." I say, sinking into myself. 

"Yeah they're just in love, no big deal." 

"Stan!" Kyle yells. 

I laugh. It was nice to hear them focus on something besides Kenny and I. 

We stay there until about 5:30. Stan decides that he wants to go meet up with Wendy, and Heidi wants to go home. 

"Do you want me to walk you home y/n?" Kenny asks. Everyone stares at him. 

"You're gonna walk a gi-" Stan starts, but Kyle covers his mouth. 

"Yeah sure." I respond, showing my confusion towards Stan and Kyle's behavior. 


As Kenny walks me home, we spend the whole time joking around with each other. I tell him stories about my hometown. 

We're crossing the road when I notice a injured animal in the middle of the street. I see that no cars are coming, so I lean down to help it. 

"Come on y/n." He says before noticing the animal as well. As I'm examining the bird without actually touching it, he stands behind me to keep watch for cars. 

Then out of nowhere, I hear him yell: "Holy shit!" 

He pushes me out of the road. I hit my head on a rock and it all goes black. 

When I come to, the first thing I think about is Kenny. 

"Kenny?" I call out, rubbing my head. 

I hear a groan behind me. 

I turn around, only to be met by Kenny. 

Laying in a pool of blood. 

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