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We got back a little less than a week ago and were back to work like normal.

I got off work early today since I had finished work and asked the girls if they wanted to hangout. They immediately replied "yes" and said they'd be over in a few. At about 2pm, they arrived with a McDonalds bag.

"We thought you'd be hungry, but I guess we were." Jisoo said and we all sat around the coffee table in the living room, eating chicken nuggets.

"Ok so what have y'all been up to," I asked, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "I feel like we haven't talked in forever. 

"Besides touring? Nothing really." Lisa said.

"Oh, how are you and that guy?" Rose asked.

I smiled before responding, "We're fine." I hadn't told anyone about Hyunjin and I, and honestly, I don't know who I'd tell first. I've known the girls for a little over 5 years but I.N keeps asking and the guys have been with each other for God knows how long. It's just weird to keep a secret, but I can't risk it getting out for everyone to know.

"So y'all haven't kissed or anything yet?" Jennie asked. I shook my head and they all sighed.

"Y/N, we needa teach you how to do this guy thing better." Rose said and I laughed.


"Bye Y/N, talk tomorrow." Jisoo said and I waved goodbye, closing the door as I saw them getting into their car. I walked over to the couch and pulled my phone out of my pocket, replying to Hyunjin's text from 20 minutes ago.

can i come over? im bored and everyone went to go see a movie after work without me 💔

do u wanna meet at the cafe by my place in an hour? the girls js left my house

No surprise he responded immediately.

i can pick u up and we can walk together? i'll leave now tho, since i dont want it to get too dark

its 6pm, i think ur ok
but yeah, that's fine

okk, be over in a few

I closed my phone and got up to throw away the empty McDonalds bags and containers. I spent the next ten minutes scrolling on my phone until I heard a knock on my door.

"You ready?" Hyunjin asked when I opened my door.

"One sec, lemme put on my shoes and grab my purse." I said and he followed me instead, watching me by the front door. I walked back over to him and he took my hand, bringing it up to his face and gently kissing it. I smiled and kissed his cheek, opening the door after doing so.

"How were the girls?" He asked when we started walking to the cafe.

"They were ok, we were just catching up after their tour." I replied, looking over at him to see him already looking at me. "They asked about us."

"Oh yeah? What'd you say?"

"I said that we were fine, but I didn't tell them about us."

"Personally, I would've told them all about us but it's up to you." He said and I playfully hit him.

"I wanna keep it a secret for a bit, before everyone finds out."

"I know Y/N, I'm teasing." I smiled and he laughed. He sighed before saying, "I miss being on tour. Seeing all the Stays singing and dancing, the best thing ever." He paused before continuing, "I can't wait for the next tour, and you'll be there too. I'll get to show you all my favorite spots."

"I've never left the country, I'll have to get a passport and everything."

"It'll be worth it, besides the plane flights." He said and we both laughed. After walking for a couple more minutes, we arrived at the cafe. Like always, he held the door open for me and we made our way to the counter.

We got our drinks and decided it'd be best to walk home and finish our drinks there, since the cafe was closing soon. When we got home, I put on a movie called "20th Century Girl" and we watched it while eating popcorn I made beforehand. I had already seen the movie a couple times but Hyunjin hadn't so he questioned why I was crying every 30 minutes. He got it at the end of the movie when we sat wrapped in a blanket crying in each other's arms. 

After 20 more minutes of crying, Hyunjin decided he was going to sleep over since he "couldn't go home after that" (referring to the movie, obviously). At about 10, I suggested doing face masks to help with the puffiness when we were done cleaning up. We walked upstairs and into my bathroom, turning on the light and grabbing two headbands. We tied our hair up and washed our faces. I bent down to reach into the cabinet under my sink and grabbed two hyaluronic face masks. I ripped one open and put it on Hyunjin, adjusting it to fit his face. He did the same to me after I sat on the counter. For the next 15 minutes, we stayed in my bathroom just talking and enjoying each other's time. The timer went off and we finished doing our skincare routines. We made our way to bed and quickly fell asleep.

guys i finally updated, hooray

i literally forgot all abt this tbh 🤷‍♀️

its been over a year since i saw skz in ATL and i need these tour dates to drop NOW!

20th century girl is literally my fav movie like byeon woo-seok my honeybun sugarpie lemon tart bro, but i CRY EVERY DAMN TIME I WATCH IT AND IVE SEEN IT LIKE 900 TIMES?!??

anyways i hope u enjoy this part


-Rui <3

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