Stars And Raindrops - Seungmin

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"Where are we going after?" I asked, sipping on my drink.

"It's a surprise." He said with a smile, I rolled my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Can I get a hint?" He paused and thought for a second.

"You always talked about it when we were kids."

"I don't remember."

"You'll remember." 

"So, can I have a different hint?"

"No, but hurry up." I finished my drink and he rushed to get me out of the cafe.


We walked through the park, he had a cheeky smile on his face the whole time. We wandered off the path, sneaking through draping leaves. We walked for a bit more and came across a field of flowers. In the middle there was a picnic blanket with a basket. I jumped up and kissed his cheek before running over to the setup.

"Now do you remember?" He asked, walking down and crouching next to me before laying down and looking at the stars.

"Hyunjin when did you do all of this?"

"During my lunch break, Seungmin helped me." I leaned down to kiss his forehead with a smile. He pulled me down to lay with him and I rested my head on his chest. He pointed at different constellations and told me about them. 

"Do you see that one?" He asked.

"Which one, that one?" I asked, pointing at a clump of stars.

"No, that one." He said, taking my hand to point it at a different group. He talked about them for a bit, what they're named and what mean. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked back at me for a second before kissing me. I pulled away and looked back up at the star with a slight sigh. 

Hyunjin sat up and I moved my head to his lap while he got a pack of gummies to eat. He played with my hair but stopped suddenly.

"What happened?"

"I think it's raining."

"But there's hardly cloudy."

"I know but I felt a raindrop," he paused when a raindrop landed on my nose and he giggled. "Now do you believe me?" He continued.

"Yea, let's go." I said, sitting up.

"But I wanted to stay here."

"It's raining though."

"I know." I sighed and laid my head back down. The rain picked up and he looked down to smile at me. He took his hoodie off and placed it over me. 

Hyunjin slid me off of him and laid down. I moved closer to him and he kissed my head. He started talking about the stars again, the ones we could see since most were covered by the rain clouds. 



"I think you were right."

"Right about what?"

"The rain."

"Wait but now I kinda wanna stay."

"But you're gonna get soaked, and then you're gonna get sick, and then I won't see you." I groaned and sat up.



Hyunjin unlocked my front door with his key, moving to the side so I could go in. "Are you heading back?" I asked as he hugged me.

"Mhm." He mumbled and kissed the side of my head.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said after he pulled away.

"Tomorrow." He said. He kissed my lips and started walking away.

"Bye Hyunjin!" I yelled.

"Bye Y/N!" He yelled back. I smiled and closed the door.


i keep havin to pick btwn like 3 songs but i felt the title could be a date idea idk i was js writing what came to mind

idrk how to feel abt this (esp the beginning ☠️) but its ok cuz i called the birthday girl @kgothamm to ask her if it was alr

seungmin has been bias wrecking tf outta me bro i needa be humbled

maybe i should write a seungmin x reader


anyways i hope u enjoy this chpt


-Rui <3

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