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"That's definitely not fucking happening."

"Would you please reconsider? My family poured a lot of effort into this, and it mean the world to me if you attended."

"A party filled with stuck-up, annoying devils?" Suk-chin scoffed. "Riser alone was enough to make me blow a gasket. If I was in a room filled with people like him I'd probably blow the whole place up."

Before Rias could say anything else, Suk-chin pointed at her, shoving his finger in her face. "And besides, I told you I was participating in that game only. I don't need to listen to anything you say to me."

"...You're right." Rias said, surprising him.

"I'm not sure what kind of deal you've made." Rias began. "But whatever it was... at the end of the day, you still became a devil. That is an irreversible change that you'll carry for the rest of your life. All of the trouble you'll face due to being a devil is all due to this choice you've made. A choice you made to help me."

Rias smiled at him, but it was uncharacteristically meek.

"You've done me an incredible service, Suk-chin. It's not something I believe I'll ever be able to repay you for. But I promise you that I'll spend the rest of my life doing everything in my power to do so."

"...Oh." Suk-chin blinked, taken aback. He cleared his throat uncomfortably and rubbed his head. He looked to the side. "Well..."

"I guess going to one party is fine."

He then looked back at her.

"But I can't promise I won't bomb the building.


"Suk-chin?" Rias asked, knocking on the door to his dressing room. "Are you still getting ready?"

There was no response, so Rias knocked again.

This time, Suk-chin opened the door. Rias' eyes widened.

"Hey, do you happen to have any larger sizes?" Suk-chin asked, staring over the suit he was wearing. "I don't hate suits necessarily, but this one feels like I'm back in a straightjacket."

Rias became acutely aware that she had only ever seen Suk-chin in either the school uniform or simple tracksuit. The suit wasn't overly complicated, but it was enough. Now that she was seeing him in this kind of clothing...

And he had his hair tied up again...

Rias eventually managed to snap herself out of her own thoughts, focusing more on the words that came out of his mouth.

"Sorry, did you say 'back in a straightjacket'?" Rias asked, looking at him with a bewildered expression. "Have you... been inside of a straightjacket before?"

"..." Suk-chin stepped outside of his dressing room and closed the door. "So, this party. Shouldn't we get going? And we should be quick so this thing doesn't fucking tear."

"...Okay." Rias nodded along and began to guide him down the long hallway.

"Again, I'm sorry for asking you to do this." Rias said as they walked. "Devils can be rather insistent. Personally, I could have done with a party, but with all of the effort I didn't feel it right to refuse. And..." She trailed off for a moment.

"My family is interested in meeting you." Rias finished meekly.

Suk-chin stopped at that and raised an eyebrow. "Um... what?" He turned to look at her.

"M-my parents will be at the party too. And they want to meet you." Rias repeated. "I-is that a problem?" She asked uncertainly.

"I don't know... is it?" He eyed her. "I'm just thinking... since I'm basically the reason the marriage contract they made is up in flames..."

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