Something Supernatural (2)

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"There's only three of you?"

"We were warned your abilities exceeded that of a normal human, and ordered to attack you all together." The fedora wearing man stated, stepping forward.

"I find it pretty hard to believe that a puny human could be a threat, though." The short blonde girl added. "The name's Mittelt by the way. It's a bit of a shame since you're kinda cute. But oh well. Maybe I'll get to hear you scream before you die?"

"How crass you are." The blue haired woman sighed at Mittelt. "I am the fallen angel Kalawarner."

"Nonetheless, an order is an order. It's time for you to die." The man said, and in a bright flash of light, a spear like construct appeared in his right hand as he adjusted his hat with his left.

"My name is Dohnaseek. I will be the fallen angel that kills you."

"That kills me?" Suk-chin's eyebrows went up as he smiled. "What a bold claim that is. If you start right off with the threat of death..."

Suk-chin lunged forward at a speed that surprised the fallen angels.

Dohnaseek took aim with his spear, and launched it in Suk-chin's direction.

Twisting his body, Suk-chin avoided the spear as it sailed past him. He lowered himself and put his hands on the ground.

Pushing up, he slammed both of his feet into Dohnaseek's jaw, sending him rocketing back.

Quickly getting back on his feet, Suk-chin had to lean back to avoid Kalawarner rushing at him from the right. She was also now wielding a spear.

As she failed to halt her momentum, Suk-chin grabbed a hold of her arm with his left hand, and her collar with his right.

Kalawarner felt her legs get swept out from under her. The next thing she knew, she was slammed into the ground.

Suk-chin sighed as Mittelt charged at him now.

"You guys are upsetting." He said, easily knocking the small fallen angel away.

"It wouldn't have really mattered, but you could have at least tried attacking me all together. Instead of throwing yourselfs at me one at a time."

He started walking away. "Now where the hell did that rat bitch go with Issei? Fuck. Am I gonna have to run around this whole place?"

He stopped as he heard some movement behind him.

Shakily, all three of the fallen angels got back to their feet.

"Oh?" Suk-chin tilted his head.

"Arrogant brat..." Ironically, it was the childlike Mittelt who said that.

Rubbing his jaw, Dohnaseek narrowed his eyes at Suk-chin.

All three fallen nodded to each other. They flapped their wings, and quickly took up new positions.

Now, all of them had surrounded Suk-chin in a triangular fashion.

"We underestimated you just now. It was our mistake." Dohnaseek stated. "One that we will quickly rectify."

"Are you guys... actually going to fight me all at once?" Suk-chin laughed a little. "Okay. But remember what I just said."

"It won't matter if you attack alone or together."


"Well, now that we've taken care of that little problem," 'Yuuma' crushed the phone she had stolen to use while disguised in her hands. "I suppose it's time I finally put you out of your misery."

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