Gremory Vs Phenex (5)

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Silenced filled the rooftops of Kuoh
Academy as Riser glared at Suk-chin.

"You." He spat. "The bastard from the human world."

Suk-chin adjusted his gloves. "Yeah, me."

"I was hoping to have the chance to destroy you." Riser started, clenching his fists. "But I was under the impression you were not one of Rias' servants. That is what you said in the human world, is it not?" He asked. "And yet, here you are now."

"Things can change." Suk-chin said, staring Riser down. "It just so happened that I was offered quite the favorable deal. Sucks for you, doesn't it?"

Riser sneered. "No, this is good." He said. "I told you I was hoping to have the chance to destroy you. With this, I will be able to both lay this matter to rest, and pay you back for insulting me." His hands were cloaked in flames.

"Thank you for being foolish enough to come here. I will enjoy crushing you."

Riser's face was caved in as Suk-chin's fist hammered into it. The Phenex hunched over, grabbing onto his face.

"All of your servants I met along the way told me the same thing." Suk-chin stated. "But, none of them were strong enough to do so."

"And you know what?" Suk-chin asked, tilting his head. He raised his fist high into the air. "I don't think you're strong enough to pull it off either."

He swung down, his fist colliding with Riser's face again. He sent the blond devil into the rooftiles head first. They broke instantly, sending Riser down into the building.

Suk-chin floated down into the school. They were now inside of the main entrance area. Riser had been sent hurdling all the way past the second floor and onto the first.

Riser stood back up, and rubbed his face. All form of injury was soon gone.

"You're far too arrogant, boy." Riser glared at him.

Suk-chin let out some air from his nose, laughing a little. "Wow. Coming from you of all people? I've really hit a new low, haven't I?"

"You haven't even come close to seeing everything I am capable of." Riser spoke, floating back into the air to meet Suk-chin. "You will come to regret messing with the affairs of your betters."

"My betters?" Suk-chin asked, tilting his head. "In this world, there is only a single person I would ever consider to be my better."

Again, Suk-chin punched him before he could react. His fist was buried in Riser's face.

"And that person is dead and gone."

Surprisingly, Riser wasn't sent flying by the attack. He held himself strong, and punched Suk-chin back.

"Then rejoice." Riser spat back, covering his fists in fire once more. He punched Suk-chin in the jaw, before following up with a punch to the stomach, sending Suk-chin flying into the wall behind him. "Because you'll be joining them soon."

Suk-chin floated agains the wall. Ignoring Riser's taunt, he reached up to feel his jaw. His eyes widened slightly. It was just a little, but...

Did that attack just now... sting a little bit?

Suk-chin's eyes fell back on Riser. "Riser..." He started, a small, sickening smile grew on Suk-chin's face his eyes glowed.

"Let's go again, okay?"

Before Riser knew it, he was sent flying back by a heavy punch to the head. He crashed into the wall behind him, and went right through it.

The infrastructure gave way until Riser found himself collapsing inside a room. His momentum finally ceded, and he bounced right off the furthest wall.

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