Gremory Vs Phenex (1)

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When the light died down, the group found themselves...

In the occult research club room.

"Did something go wrong?" Asia asked, confused.

"I swear I didn't fuck it up this time." Issei put his hands up.

[Hello, everyone. I am Grayfia Lucifuge, servant of the Gremory Family. I will be serving as the judge for this rating game.]

Grayfia's voice sounded out across the entire area, startling both Issei and Asia.

"The hell?" Issei asked. Suk-chin turned his head towards the windows, and starting walking towards them.

[The battlefield for today's game will be the campus of Kuoh Academy, an educational institution in the human world.]

"It may look the same, but I promise you, we are not at school anymore." Rias told everyone.

"She's right." Suk-chin piped up. He pointed out the window, looking back at the group. "Look at the sky."

Issei and Asia did so, and were shocked by what they saw. The sky was filled with glowing green lights.

[The game will take place between Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex. Rias Gremory's base will be located in the occult research clubroom inside the old school building. Riser Phenex's base will be located in the principal's office within the main school building. Each team has twenty minutes of preparation before the game begins.]

"Now, it's time to go over our plan once more." Rias announced to everyone, taking out a map from her desk drawer and placing it on the desk. "Everyone, gather here."

Once everyone did so, Rias began to reiterate the group's battle plan.

"This is our home base." She pointed to the old school building on the campus map. "And this is Riser's base." She then pointed to the main school building, where the principal's office was. "They outnumber us severely, so both defending our base and attacking theirs at the same time.will be near impossible."

Rias looked at Kiba and Koneko. "In the time we have before the game officially starts, I'd like you two to set traps in the surrounding area. Path the traps so they lead straight to the area I mentioned before." The knight and rook nodded. "Koneko, I'd like you to return afterwards."

Rias then looked back to the map. "Next, we need to discuss our first target." She said. "The track field is the shortest path to reach Riser's base, but we'll simply be torched to smithereens before we ever make it."

"Therefore, our first order of business is securing the gymnasium." Rias explained. "It's location on the battlefield will allow it to serve as both a defensive and offensive stronghold. And I'm sure Riser knows that too."

Rias looked towards Koneko. "Koneko, that'll be your job. Do you think you can secure the gym?"

Koneko nodded eagerly, punching her fists together.

"Good. Issei, I'd like you to go with her." Rias told the pawn, who nodded in acceptance.

"And, Suk-chin..." Rias looked towards her current second rook.

"I can go with them as well." Suk-chin said. "I did my part in training you guys. For this fight, and this fight alone, just pretend I'm like everyone else."

Rias hesitated for a moment, before nodding. "Very well." She said. "Now, then, everyone, take these." Rias lifted her hand, and several small red orbs floated in the air.

"What are those?" Asia asked. Rias smiled as each orb floated towards a different person.

"They're ear pieces." Rias answered. "Magical ones. So we can all easily communicate with each other at larger distances."

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