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*Bob's pov*

"It hasn't stopped raining since yesterday..." Currently, I was camping outside, beside (random town name) since last night. I chewed on a rabbit leg. It wasn't as good as a human leg or arm, but it did it's job.

It has been raining since yesterday, but it's finally gotten lighter, giving me the hint that I should take care of my job soon before it starts to rain harder again.

I got up from my spot on the ground and pulled out my knife before emerging from the forest. I poked my head out from the enormous trees, trying to find my next victim, yet seeing literally nobody outside.

'The hell? The should've been at least one person out here...' i grunted, fully walking out from the trees and onto the sidewalk. No signs of any people, almost like this place has been abandoned. That was until I finally spotted someone running around carefree in the streets.

A small ginger boy dressed in a black t-shirt and blue shorts. Almost reminded me of those two kids from Halloween... Quickly shaking the thought out of my head, I started to approach the boy, hiding the knife behind my back.

The child didn't even notice my at first, that was until he ran into me at full force, making him then fall to the ground. The kid quickly looked up to me and muttered an apology.

"I-I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you..." He started to stand up, not breaking eye contact with me however.

"Did you know..." I started, darkly chuckling as I pulled out my knife from behind my back. "That if you were to cut off one of your fingers, at least 50% of your hand strength will be lost...?" The boy now stared up at my in absolute fear. He slowly started to back away from me, yet when I was just about to attack, something stopped me.

The sounds of police sirens

I backed away, nervously looking at the way I came from and the other roads. The place I first came from was too far away, and the roads were definitely getting blocked off by the police. Then I finally noticed that people suddenly came out of nowhere, circling me and the boy who was now crying for his mama. There was one face in the crowd that made me genuinely surprised though.


*Y/n's Pov*

It took almost all my power to not bash my head open after being on the bus for like a whole day. Loud talking and children whining about the littlest things are really fun pretty early in the morning! I could really go for a cup of coffee or something...

The rain seemed to have gotten lighter at least, so when I arrive I don't have to search in a GOD DAMN SHOWER.

" Five more minutes until we arrive to (Random town name)" the bus driver announced. I smiled to myself, I'm finally gonna be able to see Bob! Of course, slap some common sense into him, but still see him nonetheless.

The bus soon stopped, making me immediately launch out, almost having my hoodie fall off my head. Quickly fixing it to cover my face, I hurried onto the side walk, looking for any sign for Bob.

What I did notice was that there were LOTS of cops everywhere, making me slightly nervous. Hopefully Bob is hiding somewhere safe.

A cop started to walk up to me, making me even more nervous than I already was.

"Hello ma'am, I've come to ask you if you've seen anything... suspicious in town yesterday or today." A feminine voice asked, pulling out a notepad and pen.

"Uh- oh no, I'm not from here, I actually just arrived here from the bus just about a minute ago." The woman seemed to nod, putting away the notepad.

"Alright then, I apologize for bothering you ma'am. But if you do see anything please report it to the police. There's a cannibal out here somewhere. I suggest you get shelter soon." I nodded, about to leave until something from the police officers' walkie-talkie reached my ears.

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